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Since Danny and I were dating, I decided to dress up a slight bit inappropriate just so he would notice me. I was wearing a navy blue cropped top, a black skater skirt, and black thigh highs. I was walking to first period and I passed him in the hallway. He looked me up and down and didn't even realize he did it. He kept walking and I heard him say damn as he passed by. I smiled. Everyone looked at me like I was weird for smiling in the middle of the hall but I couldn't help myself. I walk into his classroom and sit down in his classroom and then I see a name written on the board.
'Mrs Andrews'
It was our substitute. He left? I pulled out my phone and walked into the corner of the room and texted him.
Faith- dude. Come back. What am I gonna stare at today?
Packer- I had an emergency. I'm in the parking lot right now.
Faith- woah, what happened..?
Packer- my sister was put in the hospital.
Faith- what? Babe. Im coming with you.
Packer- that would help a lot.
I literally just grabbed my stuff and walked out. I met him in the parking lot. My parking spot was beside his. He backs out and I follow him to the hospital. I called his cell.
"Hey...what did you tell your parents about us?" I ask
"Oh they know. They believe it should be legal considering you're 18. So don't worry about that part."
I breathed a sigh of relief.
We talked for a while on our way there. Then I heard this very gut wrenching silence.
"Faith.." he said.
"What if she has cancer?"
That sentence made my body numb. I didn't know what to say back.
"You can't think like that right now. And if she does...we will find her the best treatment there is. It okay."
I reassured him. I heard his breathing start to shake as we pulled into the hospital parking lot.
All I wanted to do was grab his hand and tell him everything was gonna work out. But I couldn't.
I parked beside him and jogged to his car. When he got out he looked down at me.
I grabbed his hand and we walked inside together. 
His mom was in the waiting room. Pacing back and forth. Crying. You could tell she hadn't been crying for long.
"What's the news?" He asks perking up.
Her eyes welled up again and she turned to her husband who took her in an embrace.
"It's breast cancer.." his dad said.
Even though I didn't know her at all. I felt a tear escape my eye. I turned around and Daniel walked off. He sat down in a chair and I sat beside him, placing my hand on his arm.
His mom came over to us.
"I'm Danny's mom Trisha. You must be Faith." She said reaching her arms out. I hugged her.
"Yes mamm. I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. But it's nice to finally meet you." I replied.
"Danny talks about you all the time. You really are as pretty as he says."
I blush and rub his arm a little. A really tall doctor walks out and over to us.
"Amelia is resting right now. I would like for you to come discuss chemo. If I'm being 100 percent honest. I don't this she will keep holding on much longer. Her kidney are starting to stop pumping blood. I would like the family to come say their goodbyes." He put a hand on Mrs Packer & My shoulder and walked back inside.
I just turned and grabbed Daniel.
"You need to go see her," I told him during a hug.
"I know...i just..I don't want to."
I let go and kissed him. He then disappeared back in the back and so did his parents. I sat back down in the chair. 
This was the worst news ever. I waited and waited for what felt like hours. I finally saw the doors open and he walked outside so I followed him.
He was walking really fast, so I jogged to catch up to him.
I followed him all the way t his car and he sat in the front seat. I sat in the passenger side. He put his head on the steering wheel and I heard him crying. I reached my hand over and rubbed his back.
"It's not fair!" He said leaning back, smashing my hand against the seat behind him. "She's so young, she's only 20. Why her? She was so kind..."I continued to comfort him, then I realized what he said.
"Was?" I asked. He bit his lip.
"Yeah. Was..."
I got in my car and followed him home.
When we got inside, his mom said we could sleep in his old room. I thought that was the cutest idea.
Daniel fell asleep around midnight and of course I couldn't sleep. I went into the kitchen to get a glass of milk and I saw Trisha standing there.
"What are you doing up darling?" She asked.
"I dunno, I couldn't sleep."
She gave me a glass of milk.
"My boy is really fond of you. Thank you for being here for him in this time of need. It's hitting him hard. He talks all the time about how beautiful you are and how much he loves you. You are the light of his life. Please. Stay."
I felt so flattered.
"I love your son. Even though are situation is complicated, I'm so ready for the day I can graduate and call him mine forever." I replied back to her. I then heard footsteps behind me and felt hands on my waist.
"I love you too." Danny said and kissed my cheek from behind. I smiled at his mom and followed him back to his room. We laid down and I fell asleep to him playing with my hair.

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