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Falcon, now eleven, smiled in the darkness of the rafters. Perking up, he heard the start of his queue. "And now ladies and gentlemen, here for his big debut, an act like no one has seen before, I give you... Falcon!" Falcon smiled and let go of the rafters, spiraling towards the ground below. He heard gasps and screams, and his smile grew wider. Only a foot from the ground, he opened his wings, preening as the screams turned to cheers.

After the circus, he was mobbed by his friends. They told him how good he had, and he smiled, glad to have made them proud. Lying in bed later that night, he heard a soft clink. Looking around, he spotted a small white envelope on the floor. He slid out of bed, picking it up and flipping it over. 'To Harry Potter (Falcon Aircutter). It read. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.' He frowned, never having heard of this school, and made his way to Puppet Master.

Falcon looked nervously at the greasy haired man in front of him. The man scowled and looked over at him. "You are Harry Potter?" Falcon snorted. "If you don't mind, please call me Falcon. I haven't gone by Harry in years." The professor narrowed his eyes but nodded. "Alright, Falcon. I am Professor Snape. I was sent to take you to Diagon alley." Falcon nodded.

Looking around in awe, Falcon hardly realized that the professor had stopped at a rather large building and kept walking. He paused though when Snape placed a hand on his shoulder. "We have to go to Gringotts before you can get your school supplies." At Falcon's confused look, he sighed. "It's the largest and most secure bank in wizarding Britain." Falcon nodded, glancing at an unsettling warning plaque on the door. He entered after Professor Snape and came into a room full of small creatures that he assumed, from his limited knowledge of the wizarding world, goblins.

Snape paused at one. "Treston. I would like to visit the Potter vault." He handed over the key and waited as the goblin checked it. "Will that be all?" Snape paused and looked sideways at Falcon. "I would also like an inheritance test."

Two long cart rides later, Falcon was sitting in a small office with a parchment in front of him and a heavy money bag beside him. As Treston entered, Falcon spoke nervously. "What's going to happen, sir?" The goblin looked at the winged boy and smiled. "Just put a drop of blood onto the parchment and magic will do the rest." Falcon winced as he was handed a thin needle, but pricked his finger and watched with amazement as his blood began to move around the page, forming lines of text.

Name (birth) Hotenami Hatokien
Name (adopted) Salazar Riddle
Name (adopted) Harry Potter
Name (adopted) Falcon Aircutter 

Parents (birth) Yoko and Kurotchi Hatokien (deceased)
Parents (adopted) Tom Riddle
Parents (adopted) Lily and James Potter (deceased)
Parents (adopted) White Tiger circus Troupe

Hatokien Lord
Riddle Heir
Gaunt Heir
Peverell Lord
Potter Lord
Black Heir
Slytherin Heir
Gryffindor Lord
Ravenclaw Lord
Hufflepuff Lord

Blood Adoption potion
Magical core block
Height block
Intellect block

Falcon gaped at the sheet of parchment, not sure what it meant. The goblin seemed surprised, and angry. He hoped that anger wasn't towards him. The goblin rummaged through his desk and produced ten small black boxes, each etched with a crest. "The heir and lord rings." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small crystal box, speaking into it. "I need a curse breaker. The best one we have." He waited for a few moments, before the box crackled and gave a reply. "I know just the guy."

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