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The Great Hall slowly quieted as Aria stepped forward. She opened the thick book they had found the challenging rule in, and pretended to scan the page. "As our prize, we gain all of Gryffindors' points, and we can choose a student to expell. Unless..." She paused with a smirk. "Unless you can produce your founders item." Dumbledore looked slightly pale, and glanced nervously over at McGonagall. "Surely you children don't mean that. You've won the duel, is that not enough?" She snarled and snapped the book closed. "As the victors of the duel, we demand our prize." Falcon stepped forward, and with a smirk began speaking. "Unless the founders item is produced, Ronald Weasley can kiss his Hogwarts education goodbye." The boy in question went deathly pale before turning a pleading gaze on Dumbledore.

The headmaster sighed and waved his wand in a complicated pattern. Dumbledore waved his wand over a table close by, and after a moment, a vague shape began to shimmer. The shape began to fill in, and slowly, a sword appeared. The sword gently rose with a flick of Dumbledores' wand, and floated forward the Slytherin table. The sword was a shining silver, with rubies set into the hilt. As it got closer, Falcon began to make out the words "Godric Gryffindor" engraved into the blade. Falcon reached forward and grasped the hilt, shivering at the warmth and feeling of power than ran through him. He passed the sword off to Aria, who held it aloft, causing the Slytherin table to erupt in cheers.

Falcon smirked at the downtrodden attitude of the Gryffindors as they made their way to double potions. As they waited for Snape, not even Ron could muster up a glare. Falcon's thoughts turned back to when he had touched the Gryffindor blade. He could still feel the warmth that had flowed from the sword under his skin, and if he looked closely, he could see a  faint golden glow in the veins in his wrist. Falcon was startled out of his thoughts as Snape threw open the door, and the houses took their seats. The man smirked at the Gryffindors, then waved a hand at the blackboard.

Falcon stared at his cauldron as it bubbled, unable to stop himself from zoning out as he watched the rolling surface. As he watched, images seemed to play out in the liquid. A tall, muscular man with a mane of firey red locks and a tall, slender man with long silver hair were locked in a duel. The red haired man swung at the silver haired man with a large broadsword, which the silver haired man easily deflected with a smaller sword; a rapier. The two men fought for what seemed like ages before the silver haired man finally managed to disarm his opponent. The slender man held his rapier at the throat of the red for a brief moment before breaking into a small grin and clasping the outstretched hand of his opponent and helping him to his feet.

Suddenly, Falcon was shaken out of his stupor by a nudge at his shoulder. He turned and faced Draco, who looked at him with slight concern. "I've turned off the fire and bottled the potion, we can go." Falcon nodded and put away his ingredients, then grabbed his shoulder bag and made his way to the door, Draco following close behind.

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