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Christmas day saw the new brothers huddled together in a warm cuddle. Their wing wrapped around each other and trapped in heat, so the cold of the Slytherin common room couldn't reach them. Kiori, Harry's ice snake piled onto her bonded's wings to wake them up. A few minutes pass, then, a slight groan from Harry. "Uhhh. What time is it?" Harry shook his brother's wings off of him and stood, stretching. He prodded the twins with his foot. "Hey!" Falcon cocked his head to the side and pointed over his shoulder at three piles of colorful boxes. The twin's faces lit up like a child's on, well, Christmas. They rushed over and kneeled in front of their respective piles and looked back at him impatiently. He laughed and made his way to his pile before kneeling as well. Harry grabbed a small box first. "Huh, it says it's from Hermione." Falcon cautiously unwrapped the gift. A folded note fell out first. It read, "Dear Harry, or should I call you Falcon? Anyway. I would like to apologize for the behavior or Gryffindor. They have no right to terrorize Slytherins like they do. I do hope we can be friends in the future. Sincerely, Hermione Granger. P.S. I do hope you like the gift." Inside of the box was a small curled snake brooch. As Harry watched, it uncurled and hissed a greeting at Kiori. Harry set it down beside her and turned back to the pile. He unwrapped the rest with a smile. He got a book on Japanese history, a small pile of candy, a tea set, several large packages of tea, a beautiful wand holster, and a leather vest with an embroidered white tiger on the back. Looking over, Harry smiled; the twins were both holding up matching vests. "I wrote to the circus troupe and explained what happened. They would be more than happy to let you live with us and join my act." The twins grinned and tackled Harry into a hug. "Thank you, little brother!"

Fred and George both pointed to three presents that he had missed. He slid the smallest one closest to him and opened a letter attached. "Dear Harry. This is Bill and Charlie. We can't thank you enough for helping Fred and George. As soon as we heard what that woman did, we happily blasted ourselves off of the family tree. We were wondering if you would let us join the clan if you wouldn't mind that is. Happy Christmas, and thank you again." Setting the letter aside gently, Falcon slid the box to him. Inside was a beautiful chess set. On one side were obsidian dragons, and on the other, silver sphynx. Fred and George ruffled his hair. "Bill and Charlie told us, we think you should let them join." Falcon bit his lip. "I'd have to meet Charlie, but I don't see why they can't." He slid the last box to himself and unwrapped it. Inside was a large sketchbook, a set of brushes with snakes curling around the handle, and a large box of watercolours. Harry smiled and picked up the card; it was from Draco. "Dear Falcon, Happy Christmas. I hope your Holidays have been well. I noticed your old set was running out. Love, Draco" Falcon smiled. "I hope he likes his gift. He went to change and noticed a small package on the foot of his bed. He pulled away the wrapping to reveal a water-like silk cloak. Falcon pulled it around his shoulders and looked in the mirror and smirking.

He watched as Fred and George began to set up pranks in the great hall before the small Christmas feast. Sensing someone behind him, he turned and saw a bushy haired witch with rather large front teeth. "Happy Christmas Hermione." The witch smiled. "Happy Christmas. Did you like your gift?" He nodded. "It was wonderful. Did you find yours acceptable." Hermione stared at him. "Acceptable? Falcon, it was the most wonderful gift anyone has ever given me! A complete set of every mythology known!" Falcon smiled and tuned out as Hermione launched into a summary of the first book in the Greek set. "- guarding the third-floor corridor -" Falcon snapped back into reality. "What?" "I said, the first chapter was on the underworld, which is guarded by a three-headed dog known as a Cerberus, which must be guarding the third-floor corridor." Falcon thought for a moment before turning to the feast tables. Quirrell had decided to stay over the holidays despite having a wife and children at home. The puzzle pieces clicked in his mind and he grabbed Hermione by the shoulder. "Go grab Fred and George." "Why?" Falcon grit his teeth. "It's important I promise." With a confused look, Hermione nodded and walked to the twins, motioning back to Falcon. He noted with interest the red on Hermione's cheeks when Fred grabbed Hermione's hand and dragged her back to Falcon with him and George.

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