"What the heck? I'm dead," Conor complained. Aiden just sighed and straightened his shoulders.

"Still...you're a baby vamp," Aiden replied gruffly. Parker smiled as him. Aiden was the responsible one of the family, with a very stoic personality. When they were little and living in Chicago, Aiden took it upon himself to be the protector of the family. It was odd, Aiden was the one who had the least magic but was the one who was most in touch with his vampiric side. Parker had a nice balance of both witch and vampire, while Felix had the witch genes through and through. You could say Parker was the more...aggressive one where as Felix was the ruler-breaker. Growing up with those two was crazy.

Parker had been the first to become a vampire, Aiden following a few years after. That's why Aiden looked a little older than her twin, which annoyed her to no end.

When Parker was brought out of her trance she noticed Claudia and Aiden laughing together over something on Claudia's phone. Parker turned to Conor who looked a little bit upset, and she got an idea.

"C'mon kid, we're going to go out."



"So, we're having a party later?"

"Of course. Christmas is in two days and we need to celebrate.... And yes, Gale is coming," Parker said and Conor's eyes widened. They were currently at a deli near Parker's apartment in Washington D.C. Parker had a handful of various snacks held close to her chest. Salt and chips were very helpful to fight against vampire cravings so Conor wasn't surprised to see Salt & Vinegar chips in the mix. He shook his head and thought back to what Parker had asked him.

"That wasn't what I was going to ask," Parker stopped in her tracks and looked at him with a smirk, clearly amused. God, both she and Claudia were killing him. He was trying to be subtle! Conor only sighed and kicked the floor.

"Alright fine. Maybe while I was in New York I was wondering about him. He helped me a lot during my time in "Oz" and I..." Conor trailed off and Parker heard his heart race. She bent down and grabbed a case of beer before thrusting it into his hands. He looked surprised but she bumped her shoulder with his.

"I remember what it was like to be in love, and this my friend, this," She poked a finger into his chest with her one free arm," is love," Conor smiled shyly and blushed, feeling his cheeks heat up with red. When they got to the cash register, Parker placed a $20 on the counter then turned to him and tilted her head.

"So, tell me...what exactly happened in New York that had you thinking about Gale?"


"Hey cutie." Conor jumps in place and turns to see a handsome young vampire behind him. He had gotten better at picking up the certain scents of the supernatural. Vampires had a musty, dark smell while werewolves had a sweatier, forest scent. Conor places his glass of water on the bar and turns around, surprised.

"Hi," Conor looks around to make sure this hot guy is actually talking to him. The brown-haired guy chuckles and takes the empty seat next to him in the bar. Honestly, he doesn't even know why Claudia brought him here but supposedly only supernaturals are allowed.

"Yeesh, am I that boring?" The guy asks, laughing again. Conor joins him and runs a hand through his ginger hair.

"No, it's just...I've never been in a place like this before," The guy nods like he completely understands what Conor's talking about.

"Baby vamp?" The guy asks. Conor almost wants to roll his eyes but he keeps his calm. He hates when people call him that.

"That's what everyone seems to call me," He replies before drinking the rest for his water.

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