"He isn't hurting me Eric" I rolled my eyes. 

"Then why did you make that face" Eric stared at me, his blue eyes boring into my matching eyes. I almost felt bad for lying to him about my "relationship" with Anthony. 

"He's just a bit more... affectionate in public than anyone else I've dated" I lied to him. And i'm almost 100% sure he knew I was lying by the flicker of doubt that flashed in his eyes. 

"You aren't just dating him because of the confession right? Because that would break him" 

"Of course i'm not- wait what confession?" I asked curiously. What was he talking about and why would he think that I was dating Anthony because of it?

His eyebrows shot up and his eyes showed confusion and then he shook his head. 


"Wait- tell me!" I yelled as he slammed the door shut.

"It's not my place" Eric shrugged. 

"What confession? You need to tell me" I shrieked while trying to catch up to him. 

Eric sighed and slowed his pace so I could catch up with him. 

"Listen, it isn't anything bad. It was just something Anthony told me a few months ago that I thought that maybe you heard and felt obligated to.... make him feel better" Eric smiled, but it was a sad smile. "Well, nothing bad about your relationship"

"What does that mean? Why would I feel obligated to make him feel better?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. I was seriously confused right now. 

Eric rolled his eyes. 

"I'm not telling you what he said because it seriously isn't my place. But you know what I mean about make him feel better" 

"Dating him would make him feel better?" I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"Yes. Because of the crush he's had on you since Freshman year" Eric smiled. 

"Excuse me? Anthony Walton does not- never had a crush on me" I smacked Eric's shoulder and he raised his eyebrow. 

"You're dating him"

"Well yeah but... he didn't like me since then" I mumbled. We were currently making our way to our lockers. 

"Did he say that?" He asked. 

"Well no-"

"Exactly. I'm really happy you both finally admitted your feelings for each other to be honest. He looks a lot happier now" Eric smiled again- but it was another sad smile again. 

I frowned at that. 

But we don't have feelings for each other, I had wanted to say. I don't like lying to my twin.

That's when I realized that he wasn't here. He had made it a habit of being with me 24/7 at school. 

"Where is he?" I asked while looking down the hall towards his locker. 

"He said he was staying home today" Eric sighed. 

"Why? He was fine last night when he was over for dinner" I asked. 

"Summer.... I don't know. Just call him after school" Eric leaned against his locker as the bell rang. 

"Okay" I sighed. 

The rest of the day went by slow without Anthony's annoying commentary. I had to admit that he did make school a bit more fun. My mind kept wandering back to what Eric had told me. What confession did he think I heard? It wasn't a bad assumption. Our rooms are connected so it makes sense that he thought I had overheard. I wonder why I hadn't. Maybe I was out. 

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