They call it recipe for disaster

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"You do know you have your own apartment for that?" I asked him sarcastically, highly aware of the situation I was in right now. That situation being my brother and ex in one room drinking and in the hallway Asher, a boy I'd kissed less than hour ago, waiting on me.

Oliver released a drunk scoff from his chest just as I snuck a glimpse over my shoulder to check if you could see Ash from the living room. When I knew you couldn't I turned back to my brother and Grace who was beginning to sit up from her laid-back spot beside Oliver. She looked to me and smiled warmly, "Your mum couldn't make it home tonight and asked Oliver and I to wait here for you. She'd heard that Hugo's was going to be a little wild and wanted someone here to check you got in safe."

I had to admit that it didn't sound like something my mother would say, or even bother thinking about.

"Home come you're home early?" Andrew asked me, him furthest away from me in the room. I quickly looked past Isaac, avoiding his piercing gaze, and glanced briefly at Drew.

"It's not early," I said, my brows now furrowing.

"It is for you," Oliver added in, grinning smugly as he threw an arm around Grace's shoulder and brought her softly back to his side.

"Yeah, well I wasn't feeling great," I half lied, still feeling a little lightheaded from mine and Asher's fight and kiss, "Me and a friend thought we'd head back here instead."

It had been a mistake to mention my friend, I knew that the second I'd said it. As soon as the words left my mouth I ached to reach out, grab them and stuff them back in. All because of the curious expression that glossed over my brother and Grace's faces.

"Friend?" My brother repeated, his brows thrown up in interest and eyes piercing me with an inquisitiveness I thought only Caspian possessed.

"Yeah," I nodded stiffly, throwing my arm up and pointing over my shoulder. Slowly I treaded backwards, "I should probably go a-."

I never got to finish my sentence, it fell off the tip of my tongue the second I felt another presence to the side of me. From the hallway Asher had walked in and placed himself next to me. His side knocked into mine and he nodded in the direction of my brother.

Oliver's arched brows dropped slightly, his lips weirdly drew into a smile, "Ash," he said in recognition.

"Hey," Asher said to Oliver, a friendly smile fastened on his mouth.

Next to Oliver, Grace's grin grew wider up the sides of her face as she waved her hand in greeting, "Ash, it's so nice to see you again."

Asher bobbed his head, "You too," He told her politely as his eyes then travelled across the room and landed on Isaac and Andrew who both stared at the boy beside me in off guard confusion.

"Ash there are some good friends of mine," Oliver gestured towards the two, beaming as he introduced the three guys to each other, "Isaac and Andrew."

"Hey man," Andrew said to Ash whilst Isaac just nodded his head stiffly, somewhat an unwarm welcome.

But Asher barely noticed as he turned his attention back to me and then my brother who pointed in our direction, "You never said Ash was going to the party with you," Oliver said to me, light-hearted accusation in his voice.

"It was pretty last minute," Ash stepped in before I could even open my mouth.

"Seems to be your thing, doesn't it?" My brother taunted. I searched for seriousness in his demeanour but saw nothing but playfulness, a pro to either his friendly character or drunken state.

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