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Right here!

Right now!


Solve me
and all my problems
You call me
late nights in Harlem
The street speaks
like it's a starlit ghost.

Starlight illuminated the curtain of brown hair cascaded over her shoulders. It sparkled, she sparkled, under the dark, expansive sky that went on for miles- spotted with twinkling stars and a crescent moon.

He held her hand like it were a lifeline- a silent promise to keep her safe, next to him, on the street, by his side.

The streets were abandoned. The two of them alone, small in comparison to the town, to the world.

With that in mind, it was easy for them to feel as if they were the only people occupying earth- shutting out every problem and dysfunctional family and monster in the midnight preying on them.

For once, it was just that simple. They were exactly that- two people who were so deep into love that they forgot to breathe.

They were each other's breath of fresh air.

And always
you're throwing glances my way

Toby gently turned his head to the right, allowing his gaze to momentarily land on the side of her starlight illuminated face, admiring the way her true beauty shined through when it was just the two of them under the stars.

She felt his stare, turning her head just in time to watch him quickly remove his gaze. A small smile crossed her lips at having caught him staring and finding him almost embarrassed about it.

She squeezed the larger hand inside of her own, the one that belonged in her own and fit like the missing puzzle piece she had been looking for her entire life, and resumed to look at the street ahead of them.

Gently, without a word, Toby tugged on her small hand, steering them in the direction of a secluded hill at the edge of Rosewood.

If it had been any other moment, she would have questioned him about the path he threw them off of and why he chose to lead them away from the original destination- her house. This time, however, she feared doing so would break the careful bubble they had surrounded themselves with- an atmosphere, a world, where -A didn't exist, and high school didn't exist, and perfect sisters and mean parents didn't exist.

He came to a stop, pulling her down to the grass as he laid out on it. She followed suit, complying and surrendering to his hands as they grabbed at her and wrapped themselves around her protectively.

With a small smile- a smile he held only for her, he let his ocean eyes roam her face before landing in her own- each pair sparkling and sparkling and sparkling with the starlight.. but mostly with the love.

You look at me like you could save me..
you could, you know

"I wasn't ready to let you go, yet." He admitted, revealing his motives for having taken her here oppose from the Hastings Residence.

( To be honest, though, he didn't think he'd ever be ready to let her go. )

She reached for his hand, that had fallen out of her own, playing with their tangled fingers and fixing her gaze on the perfect match.

"Look up." He whispered, nudging her side gently with his elbow. She complied, her chocolate eyes wondering upward toward the mocha midnight.

He lifts a finger from his free hand, pointing up toward a star that shined particularly brighter than most. "Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you." He stated, caressing her hand with his thumb.

He knew she had been doubting herself lately with all of the stress piled on top of her. Her family expected her to maintain a perfect GPA, become valedictorian, all the while being secretly stalked and hunted by an anonymous person.

He wanted her to see how much better his life is because of her; to know that she saved him.

She emitted a soft laugh- a disbelieving, amused chuckle. "Believe me, I'm no star, Toby."

Oh, look how you shine.

He shook his head against the grass, baby blue eyes falling away from the sky and back to her. He placed a gentle kiss on the exposed skin of her shoulder, murmuring praises into her skin.

"You're the brightest star out here."

and I know I could love you if we tried

Spencer had to look away from his intense gaze- words that spoke the truth, louder than words, swimming in his eyes. She knew, in that moment, that he believed it- what he said. He truly thought she was this beautiful, fragile thing that could never do him any harm.

Tears swam in her eyes, watching the slow movement of the stars as they floated above and sheltered them away from the rest of the world.

Although he knew she didn't know what to do with these compliments- that she didn't know how to properly receive them because she hadn't had much experience with them before she met him, he continued because she deserved to know how special she was to him- how she was his star.

"If I reached up and grabbed a star for every time I've fallen in love with you, the entire sky would be in the palm of my hand."

He proceeded to kiss her silky skin, lips trailing over her shoulder and toward her neck.

"I love you more than all of the stars in the sky." She whispered, closing her eyes as he kissed away the tear that trailed along her cheek.

And, with a squeeze to her hand, he waited until she opened her eyes to match his gaze to her own, love and truth intensifying the exchange as he spoke with conviction.

"You're not just a star to me, Spencer, you're my whole sky."

So try.






Until we meet again,
- Marissa 😭😭😭😭 *SOBBING A RIVER*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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