Break On Me

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A/N : This is a one shot of my take one Spoby's Scene on 5x08!!! ;)

They'll be days
Your heart don't wanna beat.
You pray more than you breathe.
You just wanna fall to pieces.

It is one of those days.  You know, the ones you don't know what to do. The ones your heart don't want to beat. The ones you just wanna break.

And Nights
With 2 AM calls.
Where dreams become walls.
And you just need to break.

It is one of those nights. The ones you need somebody else. The ones you need to stop trying to be the strong one. The ones where you need the better half of you. The ones you need to break. And you need to break on somebody that isn't yourself.

I guess that is why Toby knew to come over. He had a feeling. She hadn't asked him.. directly. Sure, she left him a message kind of hinting that she needed somebody, but she never exactly told him that.

Spencer holds the washcloth over her swollen, red eye. It aches with pain, but she doesn't care. She has felt pain much worse than this, and she knows that it feels like. This is almost nothing. Ain't it sad when you've been hurt so much you can say, 'I'm used to it.'?

The soft knock of Toby's fist causes Spencer to jump a little. She hadn't actually expected Toby to come over. After all, she had left that message earlier before she went to the stables with Emily. She hadn't planned on being kicked in the eye by a horse. Spencer continues to hold the cloth with her hand, unsure of who is at the door. Toby's head appears through the glass, and it takes her eye a minute to focus. When did her vision get blurry? Nonetheless, She releases a sigh of relief and opens the door to grant Toby access inside.

"Hey." Spencer breathes, looking up at Toby. "I got your message. Are you okay?" Toby says quicker than Spencer can respond. And almost immediately after seeing her eye, he notices the swell. "What happened to your eye?"
He expects an answer about sole horrible thing done by -A, but Spencer plays it off well with one of her own lies from her web of them. "Something's just stuck in it and I'm trying to get it out." She replies nonchalantly and touches her eye before casting her gaze to her hand and fingertips. "What's that smell?" Toby questions after getting a good whiff of the air surrounding him. "What smell?" Spencer questions; not really smelling anything. "Uh, it smells like-" Spencer begins walking towards the couch; finishing his sentence for him. "Manure?" She asks. "Yeah, what is that?" Toby wonders, watching Spencer move towards the couch and check her phone once. No calls from Emily. "It's Manure." Spencer releases a breath and takes a seat on her couch; picking at her boot zippers. "Emily and I went to the stables Mrs. DiLaurentis used to take Bethany.

Break on me.

Spencer manages to get her foots off until it is only the black socks covering her tiny feet. She huffs out another sigh, Toby taking a seat on the chair opposite her. "Did you find something?" Toby questions; obviously curious about the whole thing. "Bethany apparently didn't like to be bribed." Spencer answers simply; clearly having more to say. Toby listens intently, keeping his eyes on his girlfriend while she looks down at the wash cloth in her hand. "My sister's riding helmet was there.." She finishes; allowing her chocolate brown optics to slowly move up and meet him bright blue ones. "Wait, what? Melissa's been up there too?" Toby's eyes narrow slightly, his confusion just becoming more evident. Why would Melissa go up there too? "Possibly. Unless -A just knew we were going up there and planted it there." In that moment; at the mention of -A, something clicked in Toby's head. If -A had anything to do with their little trip to the stables; there definitely isn't just something in Spencer's eye. "What happened to your eye, Spence?" Toby's voice becomes more demanding; but soft nevertheless and it wasn't scary, but demanding it was.

Something about the pained look Spencer gaze him made his heart ache a little more. So, before she said anything, Toby knows it is -A's doing.

Shatter like glass.
Come apart in my hands.
Take as long as it takes, girl
Break on me.

"We got locked in this stall and the horse next to us went psychotic and we were really close to being kicked to death." Spencer explains the real reason; just coming out with it with somewhat pain in her eyes. Toby's look hardens considerably at the confirmation this was -A's fault. Of course it is. Toby's stares into her eyes; one of them injured, of course. "So has -A taken credit for this yet?" Toby asks impatiently; getting to his feet and moving himself closer to the fireplace. "Toby--" Spencer begins as she looks down at her washcloth, but is cut off by Toby. "I'm just so tired of feeling like this." He comments angrily, but such a mixture of sadness mixed in as well. "Feeling like what?" Spencer questions; fumbling with the cloth although her eyes remain stuck on Toby like glue. Toby pauses; clear sadness and hesitation in his voice. "Powerless." He answers simply, peering down at his sweet girlfriend. At his pained girlfriend that he only wants to protect.
/Needs/ to protect. Spencer lowers her saddened gaze; allowing it to drop completely to her hands. "That's what I wanted to tell you.." She replies with sorrow in her voice; still avoiding his piercing baby blue hues. "What? That you're lucky you weren't trampled?" He retorts; gazing down at her regardless of her avoiding his eyes. "To tell you that I'm sorry." Spencer replies melancholy like; meeting his eyes once again. Toby looks down at her sadly; knowing she doesn't have to be sorry; knowing she has nothing really to apologize for. What has she done? Been a simple victim to this sick person's games?

Put your head on my chest.
Let me help you forget.
When your heart needs to break.. just break on me.

Toby drops to his knees in front of Spencer on the sofa; gazing down into her eyes. "What are you talking about?" Toby asks sweetly; showing her nothin but love and concern in his electric pools of blue. She continues. "If you becoming a cop is going to put an end to this then I say go. Study hard. Graduate early. Because coming back to this house, with my parents spilt up and Melissa being apart of this. It's just.." Spencer stops; casting her gaze to the ground before re-focusing them on Toby's eyes with tears swimming in her own. "It's getting so much worse."

Shatter like glass.
Come apart in my hands.
Take as long as it takes, girl.
Break on me.

Spencer looks as if she is about to cry; which is honestly probably will. The pools of tears swimming around in her eyes are threatening to spill over; and that doesn't help much with the growing pain in her eye. It is hurting her and bothering her; and this clearly doesn't go unnoticed by Toby. His face reads sad; a look of love and hurt in his eyes. Hurt for her. How bad she has it. How worse things are getting. How the -A game is escalating. All hurtful things in her life. He just wants to make it better; easier for her. But he can't. What if he never can? Toby grasps the wet washcloth; placing it against her injured eye for her. He keeps his hand there while Spencer places one of her hands on top of that one of his on her eye. He leans his forehead against hers; hoping to make things better now. Here. Here in this moment. Even if for only a few minutes. They'll just keep this love they have strong. Keep it living. And they'll get through it. Just like they always have. Just like they always will.

Put your head on my chest.
Let me help you forget.
When your heart needs to break...

Just break on me.

A/N : Alrighty; so yes, I'm aware this is WAYYY overdo ( considering I was saying this would be up like 2 or 1 day ago 😂. ) Anyways, this song was request by AlyssaWaite1  , and I instantly thought the prompt could be my re-written version of the Spoby Couch Scene in 5x08! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed ( as always ) and you better have loved it. I'm watching. Mwahahaha. *Cue the evil music.* Alright, until next time.

Until We Meet Again,
-Marissa. 💋😏😈

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