Chasing Cars

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A/N: This one shot is inspired by /my/ theory. Yes, in case you were wondering, it is very, very sad. *gives you all a minute to remember that you all are supposed to hate me.* I am super mad at myself for my muse taking over me and making this happen. I didn't cry writing this.. which is a total lie.

Toby was typing that message to Spencer again and actually finished it this time, which resulted in a car wreck where his thumb accidentally sends the message to Spencer. "I just wanted to say I love you..." And later, once they treat Spencer, her friends walk into her hospital room; trying to find out a way to tell her about Toby when she reads the message and hope spreads across her face. Where is Toby?" And the other girls all share a look before Emily steps forward. "Spencer.."

I know, I know, I'm a terrible person, yeah yeah.


We'll do it all
On our own.


the world fell
it went dark
it was like she was flatlining again
but at the same time
it was like she was flatlining for the first time


Everything was messed up. Everything was /so/ screwed up. It was like traveling through a maze with no exit. Like going through a circle that didn't have an escape. Things just dragged on. Everything repeated.

It went on and on.

We don't need
Or anyone.

It was one text. One text that was hard for Toby to write, and it all resulted in a mess. A huge mess that left him and Yvonne in endless pain, and a truck in a heap. It was one message, 8 letters, but it mean't more than Toby was ready to admit. To anybody.

"I just wanted to say I love you.."

Sirens sounded in the distance. Neither was conscious enough to hear it; and neither was conscious to see the blinding red and blue flashes of light traveling towards them. The front of the truck is hammered; and their belongings are sprawled out on the damp street.

Cold and alone.

And the two people occupying the truck?

They're cold and alone..

And dead to the world.

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me

An inviting darkness.
It gladly sucked Spencer in.


Lights is the first prominent thing when her eyelids pop open; slowly revealing her haunted brown orbs. She could feel frantic hands working around her; touching her, but the puzzle pieces weren't fitting together. And then it came to her. Recognition of the all too familiar setting of the hospital sets in, and she involuntarily releases a groan at the fact that she has landed herself here once again because of another game -A plays. She's come off as weak time and time again; something that was on the long list of things you can't do as a Hastings to stay in the family; right next to protecting the family name from being tattered.

Memories rush back in the instant; Toby, Noel, Jenna, the gun, running, bullets, shot, /Mary Drake./

She never wanted to be Spencer Hastings, and all along, she never was.

And rain came pouring down on her just as she was already drowning.

And just forget the world?

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