Shot Me Down

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A/N: Yes, sadly, this one-shot takes place in the worst place of all for any Spoby shippers; in the midst of season 3 episodes 16-24. *cue all angry boos and heartwrenching sobs.* This is a killer one shot to write, but when muse strikes me, it's impossible to ignore. And lately, I've had a lot of new ideas; seeing as I just recently started a new story, which, by the way, you should check out if you haven't. 😏 And I've also got some one shot ideas that randomly appeared thanks to my never ending muse. So, be looking for updates on stories you know and love, and check out my newest baby; "Haunted Memories"! The prologue is posted, and an update is planned soon.


Young Love, Hearts so blind.
Same song played about a million times.
It all started with a friend in need,
how did we end up as enemies?

Her mind isn't safe anymore. She can't trust what once was so full; a place she could disappear to when things got tough and all she needed was the quiet. The quiet; where did that go? All she knows is sounds of faint sobs; looking around frantically to find the owner of the tears until she sorrowfully remembers they are her own. The salt water belongs to her, the heartwrenching sobs erupt from her small body, and her mind is far too pained and far too broken to be trusted now.

What described her now? Betrayed. That's the only word that comes to her torn mind, and she decides she might as well have it spray painted across the pale skin of her forehead. It's the only feeling coursing through her body; the only emotion still left as her body is robbed of any other feeling. She can't feel anything, and maybe that's a good thing. It's the only thing keeping her /alive/, in any other cases, the pain coming in waves when the face revealed in the black hoodie would have killed her. Maybe not physically, but mentally.

But that doesn't change her from dying inside now.


Painfully slow.

That's all.

It's a fatal love, a heart attack.
No matter what we do, we can't come back.
It's only one second until we run out of time.
One life and we're living a lie.

Spencer always craved the truth from those she loves; whether it be the constant web of lies making up the days she had forgotten that was spun by her parents, or maybe it would be Jason and his convenience of a missing memory the night Ali went missing and all Spencer wanted to know was what had really happened. Spencer /needed/ the truth. But ironically, this is what killed her inside in the long run. She played with fire, and expected not to get burned. The truth is what froze her; sending her mind into a whirlwind of pain and her body racking in sobs. The truth is the last straw; she no longer wants to be Spencer Hastings. The truth isn't what set her free, it broke her instead. The truth left a shell of a girl in the place of a charming, smart, beautiful young lady. It left her cold and alone.

The truth is that Toby; her Toby, hadn't really ever been hers. It was all a massive lie; one being piled sloppily on the mountain of them. The stack too high to be touched; the stack too strong to be broken. He is a part of the team she feared the most; a member of the team that had her and her friends tormented and tortured daily. He never loved her. And the sad part is, she can't stop loving him. It just won't go away.

Damn. She wishes she could just go away...

Picking up the pieces and hoping...
but how do you fix something that started off b r o k e n?

Her sanity is hanging by a thread. A thread wearing thin, a mind painfully broken, a girl never to be found, a facade and a mask of being "fine" and acting strong being put in front of an emotionless, broken girl that is slowly inching towards insanity.

Everything hurt too much, and all at once, she completely shut down. She had bawled until there was no more tears to shed, shook until she was numb to the cold, icy feeling flooding her insides, kept her eyes open until they burned with such intensity; begging her mind to put itself on pause and bring her a sense of peace she can only receive through sleep, but nothing worked.

You shot me down
Like a bull's eye through my heart.

It's chilly; the Rosewood breeze sweeping her hair to her shoulder before flying freely in any and every direction behind her as she stalked down the eerily silent, eerily empty, streets of Rosewood. The moon reflected itself on puddles of water on the street; all of which she paid no attention to as she trudged through them. The soft glow ahead did little to navigate her anywhere; she didn't know where she was going, she just needed to go. There is no particular destination in her mind as she moves easily down the familiar streets; wondering past many familiar places on her way to wherever her feet took her. She had been walking for hours and hours on end; and despite how worried she was sure everybody was, it didn't bother her the slightest. All of that is the last thing on her mind; only one true fact staying afloat inside of her head.

She's going insane.
She is sure of it.

She stops moving, her dull, chocolate brown orbs glancing around at her surroundings. She doesn't flinch when she realizes where her feet took her. She allowed her feet to lead the way, and they led her where she hasn't dreamt of coming to since that night in her kitchen.

Her feet betrayed her too.

Lookout Point. This is a sacred place for Spencer and Toby; it's their relationship in a nutshell. She shivers; a new wave of feelings running through her body. The intensity of the emotions make it impossible to resist. A tear slips out of her eyes. Then, the dam bursts. She's pulled out from under her legs; on her knees before she could function what was happening. Sobs rack her lithe frame; a force so strong that she can't help but clench her stomach with the sheer intensity of not being able to breathe.

She's unraveling.

And there? There went her mind; leaving only to come back and betray her just like everything else did. Just like everybody else did. Just like she knew it would. It's all she knows.

But what she doesn't know? Is that Toby is sharing the same air as her in that moment. Mona had dragged him along; Spencer's life on the line being the only reason he agreed. The only life he cares about, on the line. His anger boils over, but it's nothing compared to the sight he is met with when he arrives.

And when I hit the ground
Then you watch me fall apart.

And he does. She's barely breathing; barely holding on, and he's watching her break before his very eyes. And all of the pain he has ever felt; all of the excruciating pain, is doesn't measure up to watching her break, and not having anybody to break on. The pain is reflected in his baby blue orbs; tears filling to the rim. It's pain he never knew existed; pain he wouldn't be feeling if he hadn't fallen so head over heels in love with Spencer Hastings. Her pain is his pain. Intense, extreme, and ready to give up kind of pain.

"Even Spencer Hastings has a breaking point, who knew?"

The smirk was evident in Mona's voice; and his anger boils over dangerously. He restrains himself from doing anything he knew he'd regret had he done it, so instead he focuses his gaze on the ground below his feet; the ground supporting Spencer's shaking body like he should be doing.

You shot me down.
You're like a bullet right to my brain.
And when I hit the ground

She doesn't want to be Spencer Hastings anymore. She is done trying to be okay, and done being the one getting hurt constantly and being set in the crossfire. She is tired of loving and then getting burned in the end, and tired of being alone. And all of that? That comes with being Spencer Hastings. And it's tragic.. because that is who she is, but at the same time, that isn't who she wants to be.

No. Not anymore.

Then you watch me fade away

... And I was never the same.

A/N: Who can honestly say they don't hate me rn? I'm sorry for killing all of y'all's feels, but when muse knocks, I've got to answer. It's okay, because rn, I'm sobbing. Does that make you guys feel better?

Until we meet again,
- Marissa 🍕

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