Hold On

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A/N: This will be one of the, if not the most, feels packed shots I have written. Although a lot of the shots I have written that are both full of feels and sad to an extent are Spencer and Toby without one another- focusing on one of them without the other, this is /not/ the case here.

Let me repeat that- this is /not/ the case here.

In this shot, whatever they are going through, they are going to go through it together.

It's beautifully heartwrenching, I think, so if you like that and you like Spoby, by all means, continue. 😂


Loving and fighting,
I can't imagine a world with you
g o n e.

But he could.
He knew exactly what a world without her looked like- felt like.

Because she had been gone for nearly a month.
She had been taken from him- ripped away from his greedy hands in which were not ready to let her go, never ready to let her go.

The faceless tormentor had taken their final move, and albeit being a rather large one- kidnapping the girls; torturing them, it was the last thing -A, Charles, whatever the hell his name was- was going to do to the girls, to Spencer.

He'd take care of that without any help from somebody else.

The joy and the chaos,
the demons we're made of-
I'd be so lost if you left me alone.

She was having issues again- so many problems moving on, recovering.

He could see it.
He could see it in her eyes.
Her eyes.
Her beautiful mocha eyes.
Each one once so full of light- full of her.

Now so dull and lifeless.

He wouldn't have recognized them if he hadn't known better.

There was a particular feeling in the air that night- a sensation in which he was unable to shake off. He had laid in his bed, completely restless, mind full and annoying and full.

Goosebumps covered his skin, unease forming a pit in his stomach and preventing him from finding peace.

And he knew.
He knew, he knew, he knew.

Something was wrong- something was so far off that corrections seemed impossible- recovery so

And he knew, just like he always knew, that Spencer was the reason behind his worry.


He hurried to throw on clothes, thinking and thinking and wondering about Spencer and whether she was hurt and how far had she gone? How far under did she pull herself? 

And as he climbed into his truck, engine roaring and gas pedal pressed beneath his foot, his mind screamed the beautiful melody of Spencer Spencer Spencer- his heartbeat following the rhythm.

As he pulled into her driveway, he could feel it. He felt it was strong enough to steal his breath- to knock him down, stop his heart.

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