Kiss Me

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A/N: I really wanted to write a fluffier one-shot after several depressing shots in a row.

I was even more so convinced by my two lovely internet friends that this one-shot is dedicated to- ashadymotel & Kelys151 !

This will be my version of the Spoby scene in 1x22! When Toby, while reading, holds Spencer as she falls asleep on his lap.

I think that this might be my first ever fluffy one-shot. Wow.

... yeah, yeah, I wouldn't believe me either.



Settle down with me.
Cover me up,
cuddle me in.

Her pencil rapped against the edge of her book, breaking the silence with a rhythmic tapping. The steady beating resembled that of her heart- beating and beating and beating.

She was alive, and she was content. For the first time in all of her sixteen years on the planet, she wasn't be hunted down or attacked. She wasn't being mocked or made to feel unwelcome. She was loved. She was safe. She held free reign to be herself with Toby sitting directly across from her; sitting on her chair oppose from her bed, but there, with her, nonetheless.

The edge of her pencil inched closer to her plush pink lips, gaze only momentarily lifting to Toby from her position on the bed. Her doe orbs locked on the pages she had been studying, but her mind was retaining no new information.

The sun peaked through the curtains, casting a stream of light into the room. Toby closed his book, shamelessly allowing his gaze to fall upon Spencer as she worked. The sunlight illuminated her soft features. He appreciated this side of Spencer. She appeared more at ease; content, than he had ever seen her before.

His oceanic eyes burned holes through her porcelain skin, shooting goosebumps up and down her body. Doe orbs rose in order to meet his satisfied gaze, Spencer raising an eyebrow in his direction.

"Did I suddenly become more interesting than your book?" She teased, tucking a strand of her dark locks behind her ear as her hair became a curtain framing her face.

Lie down with me,
and hold me
in your arms.

An inevitable smile tilted the edges of his lips upward, pushing himself off of the chair beside her window. He drew closer to the bed, his calloused hands shutting her textbook. She began to shoot him a bewildered, curious glance, but quickly dropped it when his large hands circled her waist.

She laughed breathily, shifting in her laying down position slightly. He pressed one knee into the mattress, leaning forward in order to leave a trail of kisses against her cheek before stopping at her ear.

"You're certainly prettier than the book." He teased against her ear, muscular arms snaking all of the way around her slender waist, tugging gently. She didn't fight back, much anyway, as he turned her off of her stomach where she had previously been resting, and instead placing his hands inside of her much smaller ones. He pulled her to her feet, leading her to the cushioned, cherry red chair beside her window.

And your heart's against my chest,
your lips pressed in my neck.

He opened the window, pushing back the curtains in order to reveal the rest of the sunlight. He took his seat once again, locking their digits together and guiding her into a laying position on his lap. She smiled brightly at him, nearly knocking the breath out of him at the sheer intensity of her beauty. She was, after all, breathtaking in his eyes- breathtaking in anybody's eyes.

And he kissed her. Tenderly, sweetly- passion becoming the air they breathed. He cradled her cheeks like she were the most delicate thing in the world- as if she'd just break, but the way she felt about him was anything but. A fire ignited inside of her; wanting and wanting and needing him.

Their chests pressed against one another, each heart testing the ribcage as it beat fast, strong- for each other. He wanted to touch her- to prove to her how much he loved her and make her feel like the most precious thing in the world.

( she was exactly that to him. )

He wanted her to feel worthy- to give her the world. He knew she often felt worthless; feelings that had no doubt grew around her family. She deserves all of the love in the world, and he intended to give it to her- whenever she was ready.

I'm falling for your eyes,
but they don't know me yet.
And with a feeling I'll forget,
I'm in love now.

She pulled away, falling back into Toby's arms. Turning her cranium, she met his gaze and allowed herself to fall into the depths of his cerulean pools. He began to trace each line of her face, each dent and dimple and mark. He ran his finger over every detail that made her who she was- every feature that was illuminated by the light. Her mocha colored eyes shone, each a brown shade lighter than usual. His hands traced her visage once, twice, three times- before he moved toward her hair.

Kiss me
like you wanna be loved.
( You wanna be loved.
You wanna be loved. )

His calloused fingers teased the ends of her dark hair, twirling strands around his digits and caressing her tresses. Her eyelids began to flicker, falling shut and hiding her chocolate eyes from him.

He watched as her breathing slowed, one hand stuck in her hair and the other tracing shapes on her ( his t-shirt ) t-shirt clad torso. He left his book aside, instead studying Spencer's every detail.

He loved her more than anything, he knew. He wouldn't,
admit it to her.
However, he knew, possibly more than anything, that he loved her more than life itself; that he would do anything for her. Under her strong exterior, he knew that she craved acceptance and attention and love and love and love.

His arms tightened their grasp around her frame unintentionally, sympathy and concern forming a bubble in the pit of his stomach like it often did. She had gone through so much in the little time they had been together and before that, too. He knew there were things she hadn't told him- things she was afraid to say aloud. And for every bad thing that happened to her- every major setback and disappointment that she fought tooth and nail to get through, there was never a break in between. It was a series of constant torture- and she remained adamant through it; persevering through it all only to come out stronger for it.

And he was proud of her for being so resilient. It got her through every day. Every day that she was there with him. Every day that she lived, survived, breathed. Every day she pushed through each hardship and bad thing that happened to her- knowing that whatever happened the next day could not be any worse.

And he loved her for it- loved her for her.
He did.

This feels like falling in love.
Falling in love.

We're falling in love.


I'm sorry that this was shorter than usual!

How different was it, though, to read one of my one-shots and not immediately hating me afterward? You still might have cried, but only because the feels were just too real on this one.

Until we meet again,
- Marissa 🍕

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