♡You Catch Him Watching Anime♡

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You went out with your friends Sakura, Hinata, Ino and Tenten. You just went out for lunch nothing too special.
When you got home it was quiet...
"Naruto!?!? I'm home!!!" You shouted but no response...
You went towards the stairs then heard something. So you took your shoes off and went up the stairs.
The noise got louder as you went towards your bedroom door. You slowly opened it then saw Naruto watching something on his lap top....
That something was a anime called Fairytail...
You giggled then he tured to see you.
He sweat dropped then you decided to join in.
You did kinda like it.


Sasuke was in the living room while you made dinner. You kept hearing him shouting at something or someone but you blocked it out.
It was strange but once you got everything ready and set up. You went to the living room to see him on the floor being very close to the TV hugging his legs.
He was watching a anime named Assassination Classroom.
You laughed so much you fell on the floor.
Let's just say he wasn't happy you was laughing at him for watching his favioute thing.
He loved it for some strange reason.


Sai had been in the kitchen for a while, he seemed to watching something. He was silent too which was strange.
You decided to go see what was going on then you saw him in a ball on the floor making whiney noises.
"Sai what's up??" "IT FINISHED!!!" you looked at him confused but then you noticed what he was watching.
He was watching a anime you was interested in namer Another.
He wasn't happy that the anime ended.


Kakashi got back early but you was asleep on the sofa when he got back. He sighed and kissed your forehead then went upstairs.
You woke up a few minutes after and heard some strange noises from your room.
So out of curiosity you went to find out what it was.
Turns out it was Kakashi....
Watching a rude anime...

You didn't speak to him for a while.
(IM SORRY I HAD TOO!!!!!!!!)


Gaara was doing paper work but half way through you noticed he was watching something.
He was quiet and looked interested.
So you finished your part of the paper work and looked over his shoulder.
You got interested as soon as you saw it.
He was watching a anime named Deadman Wonderland.
You both loved and ended up watching it together for the rest of the night.


You went to go get some more things for your boyfriends puppets. When you got back you heard him saying something.
You went to the room he was in with the puppet things then you noticed what he was doing.
He was watching a well known anime called Death Note.
You had heard the name before and asked what it was about.
He got scared at first but then he explained to you what it was about and he wouldn't shut up about it.

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