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Your nickname for Naruto is just his normal name but when he's sad or angry you'll call him babe. Narutos nickname for you is usually Darling however when your sad he'll call you hot stuff or when angry he'll call you Ramen since he loves it so much 😂.


Sasuke doesn't really have any nicknames for you but when your sad he'll call you sweetheart. And same for you, you don't really have any nicknames for Sasuke but to annoy him you'll call him duckbutt and when sad you'll call him honey.


Sai will usually call you sweetie instead of your normal name. And for you you'll only give him a nickname when sad or confused and that nickname is sugar.


You both don't have nicknames for each other but to annoy each other you'll call each other perverts.


Most of the time you call Gaara dear and it's always been like that with everything. Gaara doesn't thing of many nicknames so he'll call you by your name or when sad he'll call you dear like you do to him.


To annoy him you'll call him master of puppets since that's basically what he is. Kankuro will call you by your normal name or when your angry he'll call you sexy.

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