♡How He Wakes You Up♡

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Naruto finds it easy to wake you up but it's painful each time for you. He'll jump on your stomach and shout your name over and over.


Sasuke will sometimes gets sweet revenge by pushing you off the bed but if he's in a nice mood he'll just poke you over and over.


Sai doesn't like to wake you up because he finds your cute when sleeping. But if he really has too he'll shower you in kisses and whisper your name im your ear.


Kakashi will mess up your hair even more because he knows it annoys you but if that doesn't work he'll rub your stomach then slap it which instantly gets you awake,


Gaara is always in a rush so he can get his paper work done early so he'll just throw anything he can find on you if it's soft. If he can't find anything to throw or if he's not in a rush he'll get his sand hands to tap you then grab your wrists and slowly pull them.


Kankuro always wants r revenge on you for tickling him so he'll tickle your most ticklish spot. But if he's not feeling like it then he'll either leave you be or he'll make you feel cold so you will get up.

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