Chapter 14

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“Baby, you alright?” Tom whispered in my ears as he hugged me from behind.

“Yeah, yeah I am. Just not getting used to all of this,” I waved my hand around the huge stage and bright lights.

“Me too babe. Don’t think we deserve it,” he whispered.

I turned around and faced him, my hands cupping his cheeks.

“You deserve every bit of this Tom. Every bit,” I whispered and leaned in to kiss him. “I’m so proud of you,” I mumbled.

Tonight, they were just starting their first ever Arena tour. It was beginning in Nottingham, Jay’s hometown. We arrived early for a bit of sound check and all the necessary preparations.  

“Go get ready, the boys are waiting. I’ll be right there,” I pointed to the edge of the stage.

There were a couple of fans who held the VIP tickets already streaming in to watch the boys do their sound check. I took a seat at the edge of the stage, close enough to talk to the fans. Soon enough, as the boys tested their microphones, a few girls & I were already engaged in a conversation and laughing away about the funny things the boys got up to. We took a few photos and videos together, even.

“What’s the relationship with you and Nathan?” one girl from the small crowd suddenly asked.

I almost choked on the water I was sipping from the bottle I just got from Kevin. Kevin who was mere feet away turned towards us and raised his eyebrows.

“We’re mere friends,” I stuttered as I gasped for air just a bit. “Why?” I asked, curious.

“Yeah, why?” Kevin asked, chuckling.

“I dunno, you two have been always together in the recent flips,” she said, nonchalantly.

“That’s nothing, we hang out loads together,” I smiled reassuringly. “Definitely a Parker’s girl,” I joked.

Kevin just laughed at the conversation and walked away as the girl shrugged and smiled as she took out her video camera. Weird as it is, her question lingered at the back of my head. It shouldn’t be lingering the way it was. Tom’s my boyfriend and I love him, nothing else.

It was true that since I met Nathan, he was the closest person I’ve been with apart from Tom. I mean, he was my age and we shared loads in common. It was nice that way. Plus, his dry humor always makes my day. But that isn’t the point, Nathan is just a friend and that question shouldn’t affect me the way it was affecting me. I just knew Nathan for a year. I know Tom for almost 4 years now.

“Oi you! What you dreaming about?” as I felt a light thud of a water bottle hitting my head.

“Seriously Nath? Go back to rehearsing, you sounded horrible,” I joked as I threw back the bottle at him.

“Parker! Your girl just said I’m a horrible singer,” Nathan yelled into the microphone, making the small crowd burst into a fits of laughter.

“Serves you right! Get back here, we’re starting Lie to me,” Tom yelled back, sniggering.

Nathan poked his tongue back at me and lightly smacked the back of my head. As he walked away, I pulled his jeans down and exposed a bit of his boxers. The girls near the stage started clicking their camera in frenzy and I laughed my heart out at his shocked expression.

“You tosser!” Nathan yelped as he went down on his knees and started tickling me.

I was laughing, gasping for air and finally thumping my palm on the stage, begging Nathan to stop.

“Nath…Nath stop! I’m so…sorry! Tom, HELP ME!” I gasped for air as I tried swatting his arms away.

“Guys, a bit more seriousness here, show’s starting in a couple of hours,” a lady’s voice resounded over the whole stage.

Nathan immediately stopped and got up on his feet. I sat up, still giggling, and passed him his microphone. Jayne gave a gentle smile to me and a much firmer one to Nathan, making Nathan briskly walk back to the rest of the lads.

“Hey Erny,” Jayne smiled as she took a seat beside.

“Hiya Jayne, when did you arrive?” I smiled back as I shifted to give her a bit more space.

“Just did. Hello girls!” Jayne replied and turned her attention to the girls who just finished videoing the whole tickling attack between Nathan & I.

Another round of gossip started as the lads continued their rehearsal. Jayne was sharing in great detail about something Jay did and I started to completely tune out as I turned to watch the rehearsal that was going on behind me. I watched as Tom belted out a verse of Rocket and then the rest of the lads joining in. He was amazing and I was so proud of him, thanking my lucky stars that I gave him a second chance. In that moment, he caught my eye and I was adoringly staring at him. Nothing else mattered.



Siva and Jay started doing “Siva’s happy dance” while Max, Nathan & Tom got into a massive group hug with Jayne. Nareesha, Lea and I had huge grins on our faces, undoubtedly proud of the boys and their first ever Arena concert. Nottingham loved them.

“Party tonight?” Jay jumped around.

“No, rest. Manchester, tomorrow,” Jayne said firmly, though there was a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

“Bummer,” Jay mumbled but still continued jumping around and started giving everybody massive hugs.

“A quick meet with the fans and then back to the tour bus, yeah?” Jayne said as she left the rest of us backstage.

“I’ll see you later then, babe,” Tom pecked my cheek as he went out the other way to meet fans.

I nodded and turned to Nareesha and Lea, expecting them to also go back to the tour bus. Jay, had other plans, as he pulled Lea with him and excitedly said something about meeting fans with him. Nareesha politely declined Siva and pulled my arm, back to the tour bus.

“Crazy night, yeah?” Nareesha nonchalantly said as we made our way across the parking lot.

“Sure is,” I nodded.

“Babe… not to be intruding… Tom and you are alright aren’t ya?” her question made me trip the steps of the tour bus.

“Yeah… we are… Is there something I should know?” I was in between asking and just making a statement.

“Nah, that’s all good then,” she smiled, though not convincingly.

And knowing Nareesha for about a year and half now, it was easy to pick up that she had more onher mind than she let on.

“What is it nunu?” I prodded as we settled on the couch in the tour bus.

“I don’t know … you and Nathan seem pretty close…” she mumbled in response.

“Oh god, if it’s about today and the tickling thingy, forget it. We were just messing around,” I replied as I reached out for a bottle of water.

“No… not that. Well, that and the fact that I’ve been noticing both of you for the last couple of months,” she trailed off.

“Last couple of months?!” I asked incredulously.

“You should see yourself. Both of you are mostly seen together, shopping and chilling. You name it,” Nareesha said defensively. “Though I agree, Tom is always seemingly occupied,” she said in understanding.

“Nathan’s just a mate,” I said reassuringly.

“That’s what you think. Is the feeling mutual though?” Nareesha asked.

Before I could come up with a defensive reply, the tour bus started filling up with the rest of the lads chattering away. She gave me the “we’ll talk later” look and joined Siva at the pantry of the bus.

My gaze searched for Tom’s face and my ears perked for his familiar laughter. Damn, that tour bus wasn’t even huge. As I looked around, a certain hazel-green boy, was just staring at me.

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