Chapter 2

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I shuffled all the way home, which was just a few blocks away from Lea’s. It was almost noon and I looked hung over, though I wasn’t.

“Babe, babe, I’m sorry!” the familiar cologne and Bolton accent, hitting me almost instantaneously as I walked into my apartment building.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, trying to avoid his clutch.

“I … babe, we’re meant together. Please, I’m sorry. Last night was a mistake. I was buzzed,” he pleaded again as I side stepped him and started climbing the stairs.

“Get away from me Parker. I don’t want you in my life, anymore,” I said it; my voice was not executing the confidence I had in my head.

“You don’t mean that Erny. You know you don’t,” Tom replied, his voice low. “You know you will come back to me again, don’t you?”

Was that a smirk on his bloody face?

That tone in his voice, that smirk on his face. It angered me, somehow.

“No! No I won’t Tom! I won’t come back to you! I’m done with you! You prick!” I yelled, pissed that he thought I was some kind of weakling who needed him.

His expression went from smug to priceless in a matter of minutes. It felt good to finally say that. It seemed like a whole burden was lifted soon as the moment he turned on his heels and walked out of the building.

“Feeling alright there, miss?” the security guard asked as he came out of the lift.

“A bit light headed, but yeah alright. Thanks,” I smiled appreciatively and went up the two flights of stairs to my apartment.

“I’m not going to regret leaving him. I’m not going to regret leaving him. I’m not going to regret leaving him,” I muttered under my breath over and over again as I unlocked the door.

I kept repeating it under my breath as I went about the apartment, neatening things up. I needed something to believe in, something that wouldn’t make me fall on my knees and want him back again.

Suddenly, there was a call and I was genuinely surprised since Lea usually called my handphone and now that Tom is non-existent, who might it be.

“Hello, is this Miss Erny we’re speaking to? I’m calling from Kingston University,” the caller addressed soon as I picked up.

“Umm yes, speaking,” I answered.

“Well, we’ve reviewed your application and we are glad to inform you that you have been accepted in our International Business Degree Program. We will be sending you the email for registration in two days time, do reply promptly,” the caller continued.

I was rendered speechless and before I could say thank you, the call ended.

London. No more Tom Parker. Kingston University.

I need sleep.

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