Chapter 15

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"Goodnight Erny," Tom whispered as he pulled me closer in a warm embrace. 

We finally called it a night after some laughter-filled chatter. Max was already asleep on the sofa when Tom & I finally tucked ourselves in bed. I could hear the light snoring of Tom behind me as I dozed off to sleep. It had definitely been a long day. 

A couple of hours later, I jerked awake from a nightmare. It was nothing, just one of those nights. Tom's arms were still wrapped around my waist. I nuzzled into his chest, trying to go back to bed. 

"Ah damn it," I muttered as I quietly lifted Tom's arms and got off the small bed. 

I couldn't go back to sleep and it was nearing six in the morning. I decided to get up and make myself a cup of tea. 

"A cuppa for you?" The familiar gloucester accent struck me before I got to the pantry. 

"Holy shit! You scared me" I hushedly yelped. 

Nathan had his back facing me but must have heard my footsteps approaching. 

"You're up early," I stated as he placed two cups of tea on the table. "Thanks," 

"I can say the same about you," he grinned back. 

"Nightmare..." I nonchalantly replied. 

"Can't sleep..." He stated. 

We sat in silence for a moment, only the sound of blowing steam off from our tea could be heard. Nareesha's last statement kept playing in my head. 

"Seems like there's more than just a nightmare on your mind," Nathan suddenly spoke up. 

I honestly hated how he can see through me, even at six in the freaking morning. 

"Nahh, just you know, being on tour with you lot ... Buzzing..." I mumbled non-committally. 

"Right... You know you can talk to me about anything yeah" He made it as a statement and not a question. 

I nodded mutely as I sipped a bit more tea. I pushed the thought of Nathan wanting anything more than friends to the back of my head. After all, I had a long day ahead and minute matters like these shouldn't concern me. 

In the next hour, I sat beside Nathan watching him reply tweet after tweet on his Macbook and then we ended up watching old "WantedWednesday" flips. The tension from the earlier conversation, forgotten. We were halfway taking silly pajamas-clad photos on his Macbook when a weary-eyed Jay and Max stumbled into the kitchen and mumbled "mornings" to us. 

"I guess, I'll take a lie-in for a bit then," I said as Max poured himself some coffee and Jay was asking Nathan some random questions. 

I bounded back to bed and slipped into Tom's confortable embrace. 

"You disappeared," he mumbled sleepily. 

"I had a nightmare. Stayed up with Nathan for a bit," I said as I slipped my arms around his waist. 

At the mention of "Nathan", Tom stiffened for a bit. 

"You okay?" I looked up concern. 

"Yeah, whatever," he mumbled again as he went back to sleep. 

I decided to not take what he said to heart and closed my eyes. There was nothing to worry about, I said to myself over again as sleep took over me once again. 

Manchester that night was definitely epic. The crowd went mental from the moment the boys stepped on stage, right till the end when the boys took their bow. Amazing crowd and as it is of a routine, the boys went out after the show to meet up with some fans. I decided to follow Tom out and helped with the phototaking of him and the fans. 

"Thanks babe," Tom smiled as I took a fan's camera and turned it on to take a photo of her and Tom. 

As Tom got engaged in a conversation and some autograph signings, I looked around to see what the rest of the boys were up to. Nareesha and Lea were, like me, helping Jay & Siva with phototaking while Max & Nathan were pulling silly faces as they took pictures with some of the fans. I laughed a little. 

"Hey Erny! Come join us!" Nathan yelled from where he was. 

I was about to go over, since I had nothing else to do, when I felt a tug on my wrist. 

"Stay here," Tom said barely above a whisper but it sounded like a low growl to me. 

I stood rigid and raised my eyebrows at him. I saw worry in his eyes and a forced smiled plastered, I complied. I stood by him, helping him with a few more picture taking before being pulled away back to the tour bus. 

As we walked across the lot back to the tour bus, a tensioned silence hung over us. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, finally. 

"The next time you have a nightmare, wake me up. No need for you to wake Nath up," he said quietly as we got into the bus. 

"What? He was already awake! Why would I wake him up?!" I asked incerdulously.

"Yeah right," Tom mumbled. 

I grabbed his shoulders and whipped him around. Looking straight in his eyes, I saw a mixture of anger and just plain sadness. 

"Are you kidding me?! C'mon Tom, he was awake alright ... And I didn't want to wake you up because you looked tired," I tried explaining. 

"Whatever," he kept the same monotonous tone. 

"You're mental," I mumbled and turned around to get down from the bus. 

I really needed some fresh air. Max was smoking right outside the tour bus and I held out my hand, wanting a stick myself. 

"No way, love. Not gunna have yer smoking because you had a fight with Parker boy," he shook his head. 

"I don't understand him," I sighed. 

"You haven't seen yourself with Nathan, have yer? You guys are clooooseeeee," Max said, emphasizing the last bit. 

"People have to stop saying that. We are mates, just mates," I sighed again. 

"Doubt the feeling's mutual, love. I'll talk it out with Tom. Stay out and chill yer head out," Max smiled gently and shrugged his shoulders as he stepped on his cigarette. 

I sighed for the third time that night. Damn, I thought the relationship problems that were coming my way would be involving some crazy fangirls not a band member. 

"Why didn't you come over when I called you?" His gloucester accent broke me out of my reverie. 

I took a glance at him and then just stared at the open space, letting silence envelope us. 

"I need to talk to you," I said quietly, after a moment.

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