Chapter 11

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*A month later*

There was still no news from Tom. The night he walked out of the apartment was the night he walked out of life, and the text he sent after he left was the last. I did send in countless of messages saying I’m sorry and I’d like to talk to him but obviously, they were left unreplied.

News from Jay though, was the only ones which made me know that Tom was doing alright. Like Jay, Tom got through the final auditions of the boy band making and would go for just one other round with the other selected three to see their chemistry. Since Jay had tons of visits to London, Lea took most opportunities to come along with which made everything a tad better.

“I don’t know why you would say no,” Lea said for the god-knows-how-many-times.

“I didn’t say no, I was just … undecided,” I said defensively.

“He’s changed, you know. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed,” Lea sighed again.

“Can we not harp about this again? It’s been more than a month now, I think I’m alright,” I sighed louder.

“Jay says he talks a lot about you,” Lea said nonchalantly.

“I don’t want to know,” I muttered back, ending the conversation.

School went on as per normal for me. I had my final week before the holidays came and I was excited. I was planning to go back to Manchester to visit my family and gave this self of mine a break. A pretty much needed break.

And just as I wished, the final week went faster than I thought it would. Before I knew it, I was waving goodbye to Aunt Rhi and Lea, who decided to stay in the hotel which Jay was staying at, and promising I’d see them soon.  Then, I was in the train back home.

“Is this seat taken?” a Mancunian accent startled me from my daydream.

“No, no it’s not,” I smiled.

He was an average height guy, bald and had mesmerizing eyes. Beautiful eyes, I’d say. He smiled back and placed his small bag on the overhead compartment before taking a seat.

“So, where yer heading?” he asked casually.

“Back to Manchester,” I answered.

“Ah same ‘ere. What’s your name?” he asked, still smiling brightly.

“Erny. Erny Kamellia,” I replied. “Yours?” I asked, being polite.

“Max. Max George,” he replied as he swiped his phone to answer a call. “ ‘Scuse me,” he mouthed.

“Hullo babe, yeah I’m on my way home. See you soon, love. Missed you,” he talked to the other person on the line, presumably his girlfriend.

Right then, my thought drifted to Tom and how our conversations might’ve been if I had said yes.

“You seem to have loads on yer mind,” Max commented as soon as he ended the call.

“I’ve seen better days,” I shrugged simply and turned my head towards the window.

Throughout the next hour of the trip, we didn’t talk, only managing small smiles. Max started falling asleep half of the journey when his phone kept ringing. I got annoyed and started tapping him to get up.

“Your phone,” I nudged as he sleepily got hold of his phone and picked it up.

“Ey Parker boy!” he said loudly, grabbing my attention most instantly.

God, there must be thousands with “Parker” as their last name. Stop being so paranoid.

“Tom, mate, I’ll see you when I get back. I think I like the other three lads too. Yeah, we’ll catch up,” Max was saying excitedly.

“Tom… Tom… Tom… It can’t be,” I muttered under my breath.

“What’s that love?” Max asked, making me jump.

“No … nothing,” I stuttered.

“You were saying my mate’s name a couple of times. You know ‘im?” Max asked quizzically.

“Can’t be,” I smiled assuringly.

He let the matter rest and went back to sleep. When we arrived in Manchester, Max & I parted ways with him having his girlfriend fetching him and me, well, taking a taxi home alone.

It was about 6 in the evening when I finally reached home. The neighbor hood seemed quiet, my house seemed quieter.

“I’M HOMEEEE!” I yelled as soon as I stepped in.

“HONEY!” Mum’s head poked out of the kitchen, smiling brightly.

“Where’s the rest?” I asked as I put my small backpack down.

“Your dad brought your younger sisters out for a while,” Mum replied from the kitchen.

I walked over to the kitchen, thinking mum was the only person home, when I got the shock of my bloody life.


“To welcome you home, of course,” Mum replied on behalf of the speechless Tom sitting at the kitchen table.

“What mum? What is going on?” I asked, swinging my arms animatedly.

“He’s been visiting the family, what is wrong with that?” My mum asked questioningly.

“SINCE WHEN?” my voice rising an octave higher.

“Since you left for Kingston. He told me the rough patch you were hitting, the good times you had and then back to the rough patch. I know all of it and plus, he’s great at babysitting your sisters,” Mum started explaining.

“What?! Did you decide to skip this whole part when we met in London?” I turned to him who was still sitting, dumbfounded. “Say something Tom!” I sighed again.

“I… I…I just thought that apart from you, your whole family is the closest thing I’ve got and well… yeah,” he started explaining.

I picked up a spoon, the nearest thing to me and flung it at him.

“For a month you did not reply any of my text. You walked out that door as if not wanting to talk to me ever again and then you’re here, YOU’RE HERE BABYSITTING MY SISTERS. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?” I got louder as I reached out for another spoon and flung it at him.

“ERNY KAMELLIA, YOU STOP RIGHT NOW, YOUNG LADY!” My mum’s warning voice resounded throughout the whole kitchen.

I stopped, mid fling of a third spoon. Without realizing, I already had tears streaming down my face.

“You idiot,” I managed to mumble.

“What you two have to do right now, is sort yourselves out. Go to the living room and talk like proper adults,” Mum said gently.

“I’m done with all his shit,” I muttered as I brushed away tears and walked out of the back door.

I heard Mum and Tom calling out my name but I couldn’t care less. I kept walking, only having one place in my mind, the park. I broke into a run as I heard Tom calling out my voice and the sound of someone running to catch up behind me. 

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