I looked up at the sky just to see black ash falling down like snow, and the usually crystal clear summer sky was now covered by gray clouds.

To be honest, I didnt even know what day or month or even what YEAR it was. I didnt even care.

Mixed emotions bubbled up inside me, and I ust couldn't hold it in any longer.

I fell down onto my sore knees and clutched my face in my trembling hands, and let the tears fall. Tears of anger, sadness, guit. Wail after wail came out of my mouth, hoping someone would hear me, that someone would come and comfort my cries. I was stupid to believe that, because in the end no one came.

Eerie silence was all around me, as my screams and sobs filled the air. The town I lived in for 15 years was destroyed for no reason, innocent people have died for sure just because fucking mother nature felt like errupting all of a sudden.  I felt as if I shouldn't be alive, like someone else could of survived instead of me, and at the same time I felt the need to go and find everyone else.

 It would take years to re-build this, and for sure most of florida was in the same state. Most of the would could be in this state as well. Was this what I was hoping for? The world starting again?

That second I knew I should be careful what I wished for-what if once all the survivors in every town got together, and just weren't strong enough to turn this chaos back into a decent world that we used to live in? What if we werent able to grow food and ended up all eating each other and remains of dead animals on the street? 

I shuddered at the thought. 

Trembling, I got up onto my feet and looked around me, taking in the devastating sight.

Taking several deep breaths to stop my self from crying, I yelled out:


No answer. Nothing. My scream just echoed around the ghostly town sending chills down my spine, when I spotted something in the distance, in between a large plank of wood and what looked like remains of a car.

I walked towards it and it grew as I did, and suddenly I started to recodnise it.

It was a person, for sure, so I sped up my pace to see if he or she was alive.

As I came up to the person, and loomed over it, my eyes widened as I recodnised the face.


Anyone would expect me to break down into tears as the love of my life is dead, but I didnt.

I didnt feel anything expect anger at that moment, so instead of dropping on my knees and begging him to wake up I kicked him, as hard as I possibly can, and if he's in hell right now I hope he felt that kick.

As I kicked him, his body rolled over, and then I noticed his leg, and I felt my stomach come up as I was about to be sick. It was covered in blood and a bit of bone was poking out. 

That was when I started crying again, and I was surprised I had tears left. I didnt cry because I felt sorry for derick, I really didnt, but it was before I'm the wimpiest person anyone would ever meet, and I'm especially sencetive to blood. 

For some reason, I don't even know why, I started running. Running away from the horrible sight, from derick, just trying to get away. I really hope I never see him again, and that he will get tortured in hell-he deserves it for what he's done. More and more tears rolled out of my eyes at the thought that Nella could be dead as well, and that she could of died a horrible way like Derick without deserving it-and without me getting to say the final good bye to her, without saying sorry for being a twat towards her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2012 ⏰

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