Waking up.

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HI GUYS! sorry havent updated for ages as usual, I've been busy like every single day.

Anyway I just want to say, if you're enjoying this story can you please have a look at my 'rack city' story, it has barely any reads/votes and i dont know wheather people like it or not:)

anway, hope you enjoy and comment and vote please:) xxx

love maria xx


Me and Nella sat on top of the Eifel tower. I had no idea how we got here, however I didnt care since it was the most wonderful feeling I've ever had, I have never felt so free in my life, never so careless.

As the gusts of wind wooshed past me, i looked at nella to see a huge grin plastered on her face, and her eyes looked out towards the horizon. The sun was high up in the sky and birds flew ovver head. 

I wonder what it must feel like, being a bird. Feeling so careless every single day, pooping on humans heads without getting any kind of punishment. While us humans are too caught up in our daily routines to notice anything around us.

I looked down to see a crowd of people standing below us, and recodnised some faces, such as Derick, Annabelle, my grandma Mary, and what seemed like hungreds more of people that I knew.

I turned my attention back to Nella, and she was already looking at me, stil smiling like mad.

'Now the wind is blowing our way, shall we go?'

I nodded, and then together, hand in hand, we jumped. I have no idea why, my brain just told me to.

With every second that passed, the ground got closer and closer, and as it did, my hand let go of nellas, and for some reason she fell faster than me, alot faster.

Then she hit the pavement, and dissapeared completely, and as the ground was centemeters away from my nose my eyes fluttered open.

 Light poured into my eyes as the white sky was directly above me-it felt as if I slept for days.

Along with the one about me and nella, I had a horrible long dream of the world ending, and an unimaginably high tsunami chasing me down my road, destorying everything in it's path. I hate dreams like that.

Then I froze when I realised that what I was laying on wasnt my bed but hard concremte, and that there was no roof above me. I sat up in panick and I wish I never have and that I just went back to sleep and slept forever-sleeping forever would of been way better then seeing what was around me.

My eyes filled with tears of shock as I looked ahead of me.

The place that I once knew as my home was not anymore. The second I looked at it, I realised that what happened...wasnt a dream. Suddenly, all the events came rushing back to me, the terror and the sweat as I ran for my life. The ground below me was badly cracked and still moist from the tsunami, which must of gone back into the seabed.

As far as I could see, there was not a soul in sight and just pure devastation. 

Remains of houses and cars layed across the 'road', trees piled up, and I could see the sign from an old chinese take-away that I always used to go to. My eyes filled with tears as I saw a man laying under a house, his eyes closed. It was obvious he was dead.

Where once shops stood, were now just piles and piles of deadbury and wood, and I could still smell burning cars in the air. 

Many people would have died and many more would be trapped underneath all the ruins.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2012 ⏰

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