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Hii guys, so on the side i put a youtube video, dont watch it, just listen to the song, it inspired me to write the whole story, anyway enjoy, please vote and comment your opinion, i love feedback:) xxx

Maria xxx


Jazzie's POV.

My eyes scanned up and down rows of shiny tins, full of beans and sauces. My eyes stopped and lit up. I finally found it, after  about 20 minutes of looking. I just couldnt of left the store without it. I picked up the Pot Noodle, and was about to go back to see my mum when I realised that I've been standing here for 20 minutes and she would of left.

Yeah, about 5 times now, she has forgotten me in the store so I had to walk back. It was only a 15 minute walk, but it was still annoying.

What happens if one day she like, forgets me in an airport and I get stuck in a foreign country, with no money, and my language skills are quiet poor.

I don't go to the same school as Rochelle and all them lot, I go to a posh only-girls school.

I met Nella at a theme park around 3 years ago and through her I got to know everyone else. It's funny how saying hello to someone can change your life completely. I used to be a pretty sad loner that did homework because I had nothing else to do. Now I know all of our 'gang', and me and Annabelle are the closest friends ever.

usually she would come to the supermarket with me, but my mum says no sometimes, because it annoys her, since we dump loads of sweets in the cart without her seeing and by the time she realises she's already payed for them.

However, I wish the stupid party that annabelle went to never happened. Since then, the gang has been drifting appart. Me and Annabelle are still friends, so are Thomas and Nathan, but then there's Rochelle, Nella and Derick.

Derick's a dick-he started all this. He's the reason why Rochelle and Nella arent speaking, and why Nella is pregnant at 15.

I was about to go to the checkouts and get the pot noodle with some loose change I had jiggling in my sweat pants pockets, when there was a deafening bang coming from outside. I clutched my ears and fell to the floor, and a second later all the power turned off. 

Sweat was pouring down my face as I lay completely still. I have a terrible fear of the dark.

But that wasnt what I was scared of now. What even is happening?!

About 20 seconds must have passed when the ground shook, sending me flying about 1 metre into the air. I couldnt control it and began crying. The tears just stremed down my eyes. I noticed how in the past 2 weeks or so, the ground has randomly shook, leaving cracks. And so many disasters going on round the world at the moment.

'Please do not panik and leave the store in the most calm manner po-' the loudspeaker lady didnt get to finish.

Something snapped inside the earth, like a string that has been streching for days, and now it has finally broken. The earth roared, and this time, instead of just shaking once, the ground jerked up and down, and each time is was so powerful it sent me flying and landing on the ground with a thud.

Tins and pots have started to fall off the shelves, and now adjusted to the dark, my eyes could capture the shelves them selves crashing down. A tin hit me on the head, making me dizzy. Still, somehow I managed to crawl across and get away from the shelf looming over me, just a second before it went crashing down. I really hoped that this earthquake would end soon, but every second it just got stronger.

Apocalypse-the last girl on earth.(on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora