The Silence

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Seymour had left the town and drove back to his hometown hours away. He wanted to dig further about this human, but not just for the sake of his curiosity, but also for the sake of his family, or that's how he viewed it at least.

He wanted to free his family and himself from all the debts they had. He wanted his two daughters to go to college and rise above, things haven't been going well lately in terms of economy within his family.

Jobs were not that good, that's why he took off to Radiator Springs, in hopes of finding a job there where the most famous race car resides at, Lightning McQueen.
He made it to his home after hours of driving, of course a few stops along the road, his family received him happily as always.


Back in Radiator Springs, McQueen and Sally decided to go on a date for the evening, leaving Mater and Sean alone at Doc's place.

Sean just sat on the wooden counter of Doc's garage, looking through the Old Car's belongings to just kill boredom. Mater on the other hand was being his usual talkative curious self, asking things to Sean as to how he knew what each thing was despite it being such a long time since humans existed. Sean only gave him honest answers, for him nothing much in terms of material objects have changed; the absence of humanity was the big difference however, and his friends weren't as aware of such thing.

Sean looked through old tapes and other things in an old carton box, then blowing the dust off and putting them back. He was both bored and worried, bored for having to stay in a room most of the day, and worried for what will the future look like for him... Will he go insane and reveal himself to the automobile world? Or will he just grow old and only have memories of an old dusty garage before he dies? These questions floated in his mind wildly, and yet... There was no answer for neither.

(Mater)-"Hey buddy, whatcha got there??

(Sean)-"Just some random wrenches I found here on these other boxes.. They seem to be very special now that I look closer."

(Mater)-"How so?"

(Sean)-"These wrenches have carvings from top to bottom.. Hmmm.. It says--...."

(Mater)-"What does it say?"

Sean remained silent.. Shock an realization had hit him.. These were more as gifts of peace to the vehicles with artificial intelligence when humanity began to make them in mass production. He saw the carved signatures, he was never there, nor ever watched the news when this had happened, but it was a topic that would flow out of every person's mouth.
Mater gently poked his leg with his front right wheel, wanting to bring him back to reality.

(Mater)-"Aye, buddy..? Yoooohooooooooo~!"

(Sean)-"Sorry.. I uhh.. I got lost there for a second.."

(Mater)-"What happened..? What's so special about those wrenches eh?"

(Sean)-"They.. They were a gift of peace to those before you Mater. The first sentient vehicles in the planet. All that's left of humanity besides me are those wrenches... Who knows what might've happened to statues and other things.."

(Mater)-"Weeeelllll we could always go and look right?"

(Sean)-"Mater you know we can't go out there, I will get caught and things will go downhill! Plus McQueen won't agree with this!"

(McQueen)-"And you are absolutely right."

The red racecar stood there, at the doors of the old garage, his shadow casting over the human and the curious tow truck. He drove in and had a faint frown in his expression.

(McQueen)-"Can't leave you two alone too long or y'all will start planning to go outside in plain daylight."

(Sean)-"Anyone would get bored and start getting ideas after being stuck in a garage for almost 3 hours..."

Mater only gave quick agreeing nods, McQueen sighed and shook to the sides slightly in disagreement of the previous topic.

(McQueen)-"Listen, I know you want to go out there and look what remains from your time period.. But right now it's too dangerous.. Who knows what could happen?"

(Sean)-"We won't know until we figure it out man..! I want to know there's at least something out there waiting for me to pick it up and keep it, or someone hoping they're not the last like me.."

A slight expression of guilt was seen in the race car's face, Sean was right, there could be something or someone waiting out there... McQueen sighed and looked around, speaking quieter and a bit softer, showing some empathy to the lonely human.

(McQueen)-"May I know what brought this into your mind..?"

Sean grabbed the wrenches once again, showing them to him.

(Sean)-"These right here... They have the carved signatures of one of the greatest scientists of my time, as a gift of peace to the first sentient vehicles on earth. I want to think there's someone out there searching for me, I want to think there's some hope for my kind... I want to think I'm not the last one.. I cannot stand the silence."

And so McQueen began to think deeply about these things, if they were going to head out and find the remaining pieces of humanity, they might as well think ahead and the possible outcomes.
The red race car wondered if this was worth risking for.. Eventually his mind brushed off such cliché question. Was his fame worth risking for? He wouldn't mind having some calm days and not being swarmed by fans.
Was his life and everyone else's in the town worth risking? That would take a bit more time to think between the 3 friends.

A. N.


I finally graduated and got free from my hiatus hell so I am back with more ideas and chapters in mind for this fanfic.

🔶MY FANFIC HAS THE 30th rank in the tag of #Pixar, holy shit am I happy!🔶

I want to apologize for keeping you guys waiting and I should've addressed these issues I had better and quicker. But what matters now is that I'm back and this fanfic shall continue till the finish line!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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