Getting to know the human.

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The sun was peeking out from between the mountains, beautiful warm colors mixing in the sky, everyone began to open their shops and gathered to say goodbye to Doc.

Sean, walking beside Doc, was listening to the old man's advises as to what to do if the rest of the car world found out that there's a human. The classic 'hide and don't peek until further notice', the 'run and don't look back' as well, and many more.

The Hudson Hornet told the human that he would be under the care of someone in the town. This calmed Sean, until Doc told him under who's care he'd be under, Lightning McQueen's.
Sean chuckled nervously at the thought, though he knows McQueen is not a bad guy, he knows McQueen is still very insecure about him; yet he acknowledges that the race car isn't willing to do harm towards him.

Doc assured Sean that he'd be fine around McQueen, and that all he had to do, well most of the times, is follow his pace. The human nodded in response, and just a few meters ahead, there was the racer himself approaching them.

McQueen greeted both of them with a smile, the human and the Hudson Hornet greeted back, soon enough, Doc was ready to leave, and before he did that he decided to speak with the racer.

Both men drove ahead of everyone else, leaving Sean behind with the rest of the townsfolk.

(Doc)-"Before I leave, I need to know that you're willing to guard Sean."

(McQueen)-"Doc, you know I will do it, it's not like I--"

(Doc)-"He's one of us, and please treat him like such."

(McQueen)-"I will Doc, you can count on me."

With that, Doc smiled at him and turned back to give everyone a last goodbye, and then looking back at McQueen with one more thing to say:

(Doc)-"Oh I almost forgot, don't worry 'bout the food, Sean already knows it's in my place and that he can cultivate more."

(McQueen)-"Wait what?"

(Doc)-"He's 24, come on McQueen he still remembers how to do such things don't act surprised!"

McQueen chuckled along with Doc, knowing that he had it easier than he thought, it made him feel relieved.

(Doc)-"Y'all take care."

And Doc Hudson drove away, slowly disappearing as he kept going forward in the road. McQueen sighed before he turned around and was 'face-to-face' with Sean and Mater, the small jump from the race car made everyone giggle a little. He too, smiled and remembered his duty, looking at Sean, he said:

(McQueen)-"Well Sean, I better take ya to Doc's place, you'll be safer in there, costumers are coming in any moment."

(Sean)-"Alrighty, let's go."

The rest of the townspeople went back to their shops and waited for costumers, McQueen and Sean enter Doc's place and take their separate routes. Only having McQueen parked where Doc usually sleeps, Sean however, being smaller gave him a lot of advantage.

Within 30 minutes, traffic was loud outside the building, the race car could hear all the honking and yelling that came from outside. He quickly looked to his right, only to find Sean sit next to him on a very small chair, small at least for the vehicles.

(McQueen)-"Say Sean, how did you live back then?"

(Sean)-"Oh... W-well, I was not very appreciated back when the rest of humanity existed. War was everywhere around us and things weren't looking well for me..."

(McQueen)-"And...... What else?"

Sean looked at McQueen, who had an expression that meant he wanted the truth, he sighed, knowing what McQueen really meant with his question, he decided to start from zero and tell him everything.

(Sean)-". . . I grew up in the farm, most of my family were farmers, we had an amazing reputation! I... I was always top student in my classes, I wanted to be better than my siblings, you know, have a big job and stuff; back then I wanted to create an industry, our farms would always give great food quality. I had good grades all the way to high school, once in college.... I decided to create the industry I so much dreamed of since I was a kid.
After I graduated at 21, with the help of the government I created the biggest and greatest food industry in the world! Everything was going great for my family and I, until tensions sparked between many countries, the threat of a world war was on earth... By this time, technology had advanced a lot too, we had the 'time' capsules, just like the one I came out off. But, there weren't many, only a few thousand got the chance of saving themselves in those, I was one of the lucky ones. And well.... Seems like I'm the only one who's time capsule actually worked."

McQueen watched how Sean was being eaten away by sadness. Yet, he still had more to know of him, before he could speak, Sean continued.

(Sean)-"I payed the government to let me and my family have our time capsules, my workers had enough to pay for theirs. Literally I was willing to pay for others, people I didn't know, for their capsules so they could have a chance to live... What no one knew is that the government was spending that money on munitions, more soldiers, more bombs. I knew this, and when the people found out about it, our reputation went down, I was hated and humiliated. As warfare advanced, technology advanced, more artificial intelligence, more combinations of living beings and machines; it had gotten to the point were machines were partially actual living beings, having flesh and metal working together..."

McQueen felt uneasy and nervous at this point, finding out the origins of his kind made him shiver, Sean's kind created his. All this time, thinking it was a myth, a legend, he felt an empty void in his childhood stories, they weren't true, but they weren't fake either.

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