The Night Arrives...

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The three were laughing their butts off after what happened today, Sean really wanted to do this again, and possibly the hole day as well.
McQueen was kinda tired, he has been a little sleep deprived after all, Mater on the other hand, was just as hyper as Sean at the moment.

(Sean)-"Mater lets scare more of them! C'mon let's go!"

(Mater)-"Sure thing lil buddy!!!"

(McQueen)-"Just don't make too much chaos..."

Both Sean and Mater looked at each other and then at McQueen, they laughed.

(Mater)-"Buddy you're asking for the impossible here!"

(Sean)-"He is!"

McQueen just made a poker face and sighed, he then glanced back at the tractors who by now were peacefully eating again.
He looked down, thinking about it for a bit, he then saw Mater and Sean's expressions, they obviously did not want to leave this early, at least not yet. The race car gave up once again and looked at them.

(McQueen)-"Alright alright... I'll be watching you both still..."

Mater and Sean jumped at the same time in excitement and went back with the tractors. McQueen just chuckled and shook his chasis a lil (as when someone shakes their head).

Mater and Sean were like little kids in the field of tractors, scaring them, chasing them laughing together...


The sun was now almost setting, everything picking up warm sets of colors and auras. The three were now going back to Doc's place, McQueen made sure there was no one around, but there was too many 'people', he backed up and looked at his friends.

(McQueen)-"I don't think we'll be able to go to doc's place tonight Sean... The town is flooded.. And you lost the blanket to cover yourself with!"

(Sean)-"..Oops... Well now what? I mean I can sleep at Willy's Butte, no one goes there except for you and Doc so..."

Before McQueen could speak, another car approached them, it was a green chevi with 2 black lines going thru the middle. The car noticed the human and backed up, shock filling their eyes.

(Seymour)-"What the hell is that?!"

Sean immediately hid behind Mater, clinging onto his boom and peeking his head out to the green chevi. McQueen and Mater looked at each other nervously... Silence filled the air and the tension grew stronger.

(McQueen)-"W-Well... It's... It's uuhmm..."

(Mater)-"It's a hillibilly!!!"

McQueen just stared at Mater with a blank, not so surprised expression.

(Seymour)-"That is not a car! What is that?! What kind of parasite is that?!"

McQueen felt his motor heat up in anger, he drove forward towards Seymour, not showing his anger of course, still making the green chevi back up even more.

(McQueen)-"Hey how about an autograph?"

(Seymour)-"Uhh.. But what about the para--"

(McQueen)-"That's just a new invention we're taking to a friend of ours.."

McQueen signaled Mater to leave the area, the tow truck then drove away to Willy's Butte.

Sean still clinging to Mater, he would look back every once in a while, hoping to see McQueen.. But nothing came...


(Mater)-"Yeah lil buddy?"

(Sean)-"Do you think McQueen will come...?"

(Mater)-"I sure hope so bud, he might be tryin' ta distract those nosy fans of his. They might mess up everythin' if they find out 'bout yah.."

Once they arrived to Willy's Butte, Mater drove a lil further, behind the tall rock structure and hid there with Sean behind him.


It's past midnight and McQueen hasn't arrived, Mater was asleep already, Sean, he would peek out every once in a while checking if the race car was coming; but no one came...
Sean began to feel guilty, what If they arrested McQueen? What if he's just being flooded by fans wanting to know more about Sean? Endless waves of questions came in Sean's mind... Until the last one...

What if Sean never arrived to the town..?

Thank you guys for being patient, I finally got good connection and will be able to keep working on this book!

Now I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I will also keep working on my third book which is part of my TFH series which I suggest you all to check out!

Anyway, expect another chapter next week, remember this fanfic gets updated weekly (except if any issues were to show up) and stay tuned!

Thank you!

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