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I hear a beeping... It sounds so far away from me... Everything sounded distant... What is going on?

The small door opens and I gasp  hungrily for air, I fall to my knees and breath.
The floor feels different, it feels... Drier than usual, it feels dusty and old. I look up and notice the cracked ceiling and the dead vines coming from out of them, my heart sunk, I stand up, my legs were shaking like a baby's when trying to walk for the first time.

I have no idea of how long I've been in my hyper sleep inside the capsule, I have no idea of where I am, I don't know if the war is over or if it was still going on... I just woke up... And I don't know how much I've missed...

I make my way to the first floor and look for food supplies, nothing. No water, no food, not even snacks... HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE I WAS 'GONE'?!

Back at the 2nd floor, the door of the capsule falls and hits the floor hard, enough to make the floor crack more and more and more, until the entire edifice begins to shake.

Sean panics and begins to run and look for an exit, pieces of the roof were falling close to him and pieces of glass and debris were falling. Before the building collapses on him, he manages his way out and the hot, dry, rocky ground receives him.

Dirt, dust, and small pieces fly to all directions as the building falls down and it's existence vanishes right before his eyes. Sean is all alone with no shelter, no food, no water, and weak. He stood up and looked around, no footprints of other humans were around.

He saw wheel marks on the ground, wheel marks of two vehicles going to the east. The man follows the tracks left behind to the east, hoping to find something in the middle of nothing.
The heat of the sun crushes against the dry surface of the desert, making weird refractions of the light on the ground, as if the ground itself were wet.

Sean's tounge grew drier and drier, and his skin was suffering of the light rays of the sun. He was already in a bad shape to be out here alone and nothing to rely on, he kept walking and walking, eyes losing focus and feet losing strength.

By now he's been walking for almost an hour and sees something in the distance, he squinted his eyes and placed his right hand on top of his brows to give his eyes some shadow. He was too low on energy to even be able to see clearly what was far away, but he could hear the sound of a motor.

He gave a faint smile and crashed to the ground, everything was getting darker and darker. His breathing was slowing down and he could hear and feel his heart beat, the sound of the motor was getting closer but fading away.

Sean breathed in and out, he tried to stay awake and calm, but the more time passed, the more he was vanishing...

Breathe in...

Breathe out...

You'll be safe...

You just....


The Last Human (A Cars Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon