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Chimchim: every game can glitch

Chimchim: or crash.

Rapmon: he's right!

PrincessJin: didn't you just say that were not going to do anything?

Rapmon: ...

V: how do we crash the game??

Chimchim: not sure...

Chimchim: I don't think all 7 of us can do it.

Chimchim: I think we need to get everyone involved.

Jhope: what if the others don't want to leave?

Chimchim: I'm sure everyone has gotten bored of this game.

Kookie: what do we do after we get everyone involved?

Chimchim: you see that exit button?

Rapmon: no it doesn't work.

Rapmon: everytime I try to press on it

Rapmon: it just says something like "error: you can't leave until game is completed"

Rapmon: watch.

Rapmon: watch

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Rapmon: see.

Chimchim: but what if all 903 of us press the same button over and over again?

Rapmon: then the game will find it hard to respond.

Rapmon: Jiminie when did you get so smart.

Chimchim: (':

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