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Jhope: are you alright?

Suga: yeah I'm fine..

Jhope: anything weird happen yet?

Suga: apart from the fact my reflections on every mirror is staring at me?

Suga: Nah...

Jhope: what do you mean?

Suga: I see myself but even tho I'm moving, my reflections aren't.

Jhope: what's their facial expressions?

Suga: blank.

Suga: though it makes it easy to find my way.

Jhope: must be scary.

Jhope: must be scary

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Suga: ...

Reflection1: Yoongi~~~~~

Suga: what?

Jhope: what?

Suga: you said my name?

Suga: how did you know my real name?

Jhope: I didn't say your name..

Suga: ...

Reflection2: you look~~

Reflection3: Lo~sssssstt...

Jhope: Suga are you alright?

Suga: I'm fine..

Reflection4: Lie~ssss.

Reflection5: You always~

Reflection4: Lie~

Suga: shut up..

Jhope: ow!

Jhope: Suga.. you're squeezing my hand...

Reflection6: look how pathetic~~~~

Reflection7: Poor Hobi~~

Suga: what is going on?

Reflection8:  You always hurt~

Suga: huh...

Reflection9: Everyone's in painnnn~~

Reflection10: BECAUSE OF YoUuuu~~

Jhope: ow- ow owww...

Suga: WHAT!

Jhope: my- hand..

Suga: oh- my god!

Suga: I'm so- sorry..

Jhope: it's alright...

Jhope: what's wrong?

Jhope: your voice ..

Jhope: are you...

Jhope: crying?

Suga: don't.

Suga: Jhope don't open your eyes.

Reflection10: Seee~~

Reflection11: Let go~

Reflection12: you deserve to be alone.

Reflection13: Hoseok doesn't need you~~'

Reflection14: he only.~

Reflection15: Feels~~

Reflection16: Sorry~~

Reflection17: For~~

Suga: SHUT UP!!

Suga: Just Leave me alone!!!!

Jhope: Suga....

Reflection18: look at your self~~

Reflection19: you don't have anyone anymore~

Reflection19: you~

Reflection19: push.

Reflection19: them away~~~



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