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Suga: your room?

Suga: how is that even possible?

Suga: they never scanned our room?

Jhope is typing ..

Jhope: maybe they did when they were scanning our body.

Suga: and why can't I look?

Suga: you're in your room.. wow big deal.

Jhope: it's my room but it's not.

Jhope: I can't get out.

Jhope: Suga..

Suga: yeah?

Jhope: I'm scared.

Suga: your scared of your room?

Suga: isn't that one place you would feel safe at the moment.

Jhope: it's dark..

Jhope: I hear my parents screaming.

Jhope: I feel like something going up my leg.

Jhope: feels almost like a snake.

Jhope: I feel like I'm on the edge of a cliff.

Suga: do your parents often fight?

Jhope: yes.

Suga: are you afraid of the dark?

Jhope: kinda.

Suga: I'll take that as a yes since what happened during the fog.

Suga: are you afraid of snakes?

Jhope: and bugs.

Suga: it's not real.

Suga: the game is trying to make you afraid.

Suga: it's putting all of your fears in your room so that you wouldn't want to leave.

Suga: it's not real.

Jhope: it feels so real.

Suga: but it's not.

Suga: just keep repeating that it's not real.

Suga: keep repeating it and wait for me.

Jhope: No!

Jhope: don't!

Suga: do you trust me?

Jhope: yes.

Suga: I'm on my way then.

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