The sun began to set on the training grounds and most of the Askar's dismissed their trainees to wash up before dinner. She saw Killian sauntering up in her peripheral and rolled her eyes before addressing her novices, "You are dismissed for the day. Tomorrow we will work on hand to hand combat, it is possible that Master Askar Killian will be taking over the remainder of your training as I have to focus on the tournament, but that will be discussed more in depth in the coming days. Amelia, you will have extra duties for the next two weeks for attacking a pack mate unprovoked. Dismissed." Her novices each bowed their heads towards her. Amelia picked herself up from the ground and tucked her tail between her legs, keeping her head low and followed the others back to the novice barracks.

            Killian held out his arm for Siberia to take, "I am to escort you back to the barracks my lady." He grinned the entire time he said the sentence, a gleam of sweat covered his arms as he had just finished training.

            With a sigh she humored him and took his arm, noticing the muscle ripple under her hand. He had filled out since they were children, but she didn't have time for such silly thoughts. She was an Askar not a sire. "Careful Killian, I might get used to this treatment. Glad to see I didn't break you too much today."

            They walked down the path to the barracks, drawing the attention of some other Askars as they chuckled at the display. "Melanie said it was a piece of cake to heal me and she was actually let down that you didn't give her a challenge.

            Kane snorted, Please, anymore and he wouldn't be walking. She chuckled at his remark, "Kane thinks that another 30 seconds and you wouldn't be walking right now. I think a true sparring match and you would be in the healers wing for a week." Siberia smiled and looked down at the way her hand was draped over his arm, "Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be a high born shifter?"

            Killian paused for a moment, then continued the slow pace along the path to the master cottages, "Honestly yes, a couple times. Not having to deal with training for a tournament or a match every day, being able to walk around the city without a collar on, being able to choose my own mate and have a family not a must be nice for the highborn shifters. Have you?"

            Siberia looked down at the cobblestone path and their feet, and then to her arm where her win marks and kill marks were tattooed into her skin. "I'm happy with where I am. This life is all I know...I'm not sure if I would survive in the highborn world."

            They walked in silence until they reached the threshold of the barracks. Siberia let go of Killian's arm and went to the door, glancing back at the Askar as he hesitated to leave. "Yes Killian?"

            Killian sighed, "August has something planned for your birthday. Just thought I'd warn you. I'll meet you at the main hall." He gave a little bow of his head and left toward the male Master cottages.

            Siberia stepped inside and went down to her room, letting out the sigh she was holding. Kane, I'm going to wash up. How long until dinner?

            About 30 minutes, August is still going over a few things with the three new novices and the cooks are still preparing the meal. I would say just take your time. Kane settled down on the bed, curling up in the middle against the pillows.

            Sia stripped her armor and placed them on the trunk at the foot of her bed and grabbed a fresh change of clothes. She wrapped a robe around herself and made her way down to the washroom, noticing the other Master's returning to their rooms.  Malia was cackling as she came down the hallway, dressed in a simple black long sleeve and black pants.

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