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-huge cuddler
-lets you have most of the bed
-as long as he's close to you he's fine
-you help him sleep
-likes it when you rest your head on his chest
-sleeps in an old tshirt and pajama bottoms

-mumbles the cutest things in his sleep
-starts off by holding you, but by the time morning rolls around he's nuzzled into your neck
-holds your hand all night
-under like 3 layers of blankets
-sleeps in a tshirt and his boxers

-fuckin asshole who takes the whole goddamn bed
-pushes you off in his sleep
-snores so loudly
-hogs all the covers (you wake up freezing in the middle of the night and if you try to take them back he'll yank them back for himself)
-tries to get away with just sleeping in his boxers

-restless sleeper, except when he's with you
-you calm him down
-the cutest sleeping face
-sleeps facing upward, with you at his side
-doesn't sleep with many blankets
-sleeps in a hoodie and boxers

-needs at least 2 blankets
-gets cold easily
-needs you to warm him up
-has the comfiest mattress
-sleeps in a tshirt and old baggy boxers

-a mountain of pillows
-at least 1 stuffed animal
-treats you like his personal teddy bear
-best cuddler
-sleeps in an oversized hoodie and pajama bottoms

-starts out by holding you close but ends up pushing you away in the middle of the night
-hogs the bed, takes up all the space
-kicks the covers off, onto you so you wake up sweating like crazy bc its so fuckin hot
-hogs all the pillows
-sleeps in an oversized tank top and her underwear

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