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Why: He yelled at you after you brought up Georgie accidentally

When: about three months into dating

How he reacts when you break up: he's really upset, blames himself and lays in bed all day, doesn't cry too much because he can't find the strength too. Draws you in his notebook and then bursts into tears. Doesn't talk to anyone and avoids you

When you make up: eventually he gets the courage to walk up to your house and apologize to you, you have a small talk about it and you say sorry for bringing it up in which he just shakes his head and says it's fine. He bites his lip and looks away and awkwardly asks if you can please take him back. You say yes and he kisses you on your porch happily.

why: he told a joke that really offended you and when you told him to stop he wouldn't

When: about two months into dating

How he reacts: he'll be pissed at first, not talking to you and maybe even trash talking you to the group. But when he's alone he'll regret all of it and cry really hard. Screams into his pillow and dials your number, gets to scared and hangs up. Stops telling jokes for months after that, becomes very somber and quiet

When you make up: he approaches you in school and walks with you to class, saying he's sorry right away and then awkwardly trying to think of what to say next but he can't. He just blurts out "I love you (y/n)!" In front of a bunch of his peers, making you laugh and hold his hand, taking him back.

Why: you insulted his mother

When: four months into dating

How he reacts: he's not mad for long, eventually he'd agree with what you said. He mopes around and never goes to school, his mom starts nagging him and telling him "it's for the better" and "she was a dirty girl anyway, no good for a sweet boy like you". He'll get pissed at his mom and call you, apologizing and asking if he can spend the night at your place to avoid her.

Why: he gets to jealous

When: half a year into dating

How he reacts; regrets everything, writes notes to you that he never sends. Takes walks downtown and if he sees you he'll avoid you at all costs. Tries to talk to you but just can't.

When you make up: , it's not until he hears Bowers planning to ask you out when he finally steps up and apologizes explaining why he was wrong and promising to never do it again

You guys never fight (NEVER) and even if you do it's a small fight about nothing that you wouldn't rly get mad about

Why: she accidentally outs the two of you to the losers club

When: a year into dating

How she reacts: gets all pissy and moody, won't hang around the other losers if your there, constantly ranting to Bill and screaming into her pillow. Picks at her skin and pulls her hair out. Self harms and smokes even more then normal.

When you make up: she talks to the club and they explain how they feel, they really don't care and she's relived. They're the ones who told you she talked to them and you go to her, telling her you forgive her

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