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BILL: his parents would invite you to have dinner after they found out you where dating. They'd be really easygoing and polite, they'd think it was sweet Bill has a little girlfriend. As long as he makes you happy they'd love you

RICHIE: his parents don't really care, if you ever came over for dinner they'd likely ignore you.

EDDIE: First time meeting his mom went ok until you told her you guys where dating. Then she screamed at you and kicked you out, so uh yeah

STAN: you would go with him to his house afterschool, his parents might sit you down and ask a few questions, and after that they'd be good

MIKE: his grandpa wouldn't care all too much, he'd be polite the first time meeting you and after awhile he'd get more comfortable around you. Eventually acting like an adoptive grandfather

BEN: you'd go over for dinner, his mom wouldn't ask you much except whats your favorite food (and then she'd cook it) and how things are going with Ben.

BEVERLY: no way in hell you'd tell her dad you where dating. But when you first met him you where going to stay the night at her house, you changed your mind after meeting him though

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