Nico plopped back down in his chair. He didn't know just how long he sat there in thought, but it must've been a long time because the next thing he knew Dick was coming in to get him for dinner.


He was out on patrol with his brothers and Bruce basically all day. Dick kind of felt bad leaving Nico at the manor on his own, but Alfred was supposed to keep him occupied if need be. There was also the fact that the Joker and Harley had set up several different traps and bombs under the banks around the city. Bombs that needed to be located and disabled before they went off and took a fair portion of the city with them. That didn't really give him much choice-- he had responsibilities.

They got back about an hour before dinner. Each boy changed and showered before heading upstairs. They all parted ways, electing to go do their own things. Dick decided to go check on Nico. According to Alfred, he had not seen the boy all day. That meant that he had not eaten lunch that day and it was very nearly time for dinner. That was slightly concerning, as it had seemed that Nico hadn't even sought out food. Was that why he was so small? Did he just not eat? He must be hungry by now.

Dick walked down the hall toward the boy's room, scanning the passage for traps. That boy was one of the best pranksters he knew (granted he had never met these fabled Stoll brothers). Nico had proven his skills in trickery and trap-making over and over again. He had also applied himself as a decent actor while he pulled off these pranks. He would make an interesting Robin-- though perhaps an unconventional one.

Dick approached his door, carefully opening it to gaze in. Nico was sitting at his desk almost glaring at the blank paper in front of him. Dick stepped in cautiously, still wary of a prank. He was only 2 pranks away from getting ahead of Nico, he would not jeopardize that spot. The newest addition made no sign that he saw or heard him enter. Dick coughed lightly and Nico's eyes snapped toward him. The younger boy blinked a couple of times in surprise before seeming to fully grasp what was going on. Was he dissociating?

"Oh hey." He finally managed.

"It's just about time for dinner. Alfred said that you didn't eat lunch. Are you ok?" Nico's eyes widened as he turned to look at the clock in the corner. When he saw the time, he cursed in Italian. He basically called himself a moron.

"Yeah, everything is good. I just didn't realize what time it was. Where were you all today anyway? The manor is never this quiet with all of us under the same roof." Dick wondered just how long Nico had been glaring at the paper. From his angle, by the door, he couldn't see the pictures pinned above his desk. 

As Dick moved into the room to stall for a little bit while he thought of a plausible excuse. As he did he caught sight of the picture Nico did of Bianca. The lies died in his mouth and all of a sudden he was speechless. Nico frowned in confusion at the older boy before following his line of sight and blushing. He had never had anyone look at his art that he could remember and did not know if anyone would like it or not. It didn't help that Dick didn't say a word as he looked over it. Nico felt his heart sink. He hated it, he just knew it. He let his gaze drop to the floor as he waited for the criticism to come.

"Nico! How long have you been drawing?" He asked in surprise. That reaction caught Nico off guard. Did he actually like them or were they just that bad?

"Ummm about five hours." He said timidly, his gaze traveling over Richard trying to gauge his reaction.

"No... I meant total. What age were you?" Dick reaffirmed.

"So did I. I just started a little over five hours ago... I know they aren't very good but I only just started so I guess that that can be expected..." Nico rambled trying to say all of the negative things himself before Dick said them for him.

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