The Truth?

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Shima's POV

I woke up and rubbed my eyes, yawning, sitting up slowly and quickly hissed from the stinging pain from the scratches on my back and chest. I laughed quietly, he really left some marks, I stood up and slightly stretched, biting my lip so I wouldn't hiss again from the sting. I looked over at rin before tip toeing over to the shower. The hot water kinda hurt when hitting the scratches but it also felt really good on the rest of my body. I let the water run down my hair and body, I still couldn't believe what happened yesterday, would things stay that way? Or will they go back to how they where before? I was so deep in thought that I hadn't heard Rin walking up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek softly. I smiled and turned to face him, grabbing his waist and kissing him, it was still weird thinking that I could feel this way for a guy but it felt right. After se got out of the shower we ended up changing and no matter what we tried we couldn't hide the hickeys we had given each other. We just looked at each other, smiling and laughing, we couldn't wear scarfs because it was too hot, we would look like weirdos if we did. We both walked out nervously, hoping no one would notice or ask questions. We made it out of the cabin without anyone saying anything, the only thing we got was stares and soft chuckles. we walked down to the gift shop and got some coffee. On our way out we bumped into Bon And Shiemi who were really surprised to see us together without wanting to strangle each other.

"So Shima, since when have you and Rin been able to be in the same room without arguing?" Shiemi asked trying to make conversation.

"Uhh since yesterday I think, right Rin?" I nudged him softly.

"Oh uh yeah yesterday" Rin couldn't help but sound nervous.

Bon looked us both over carefully before speaking. "So what happened to you both, i heard alot of noise from your floor and you guys have hickeys everywhere, how did you sneak some girls into the room?" he asked punching both out shoulders playfully, wiggling his eye brows.

"That's a secret" I chuckled nervously. We were both blushing and quickly looked away.

"Shima we have been friends for a very long time and I know when you are trying to hide something. So why don't you just tell us the truth, what happened last night?" Bon asked, he looked serious this time.

Me and Rin looked at each other, not knowing what to say. "Uhm the uh, the truth? The truth is that nothing happened yesterday, look Bon yeah we have been friends but please let me just get some time so that i can figure out how to explain to you waht happened ok? I won't keep it a secret just, i don't want to talk about it right now." I told him with pleading eyes.

Bon bit his lip and nodded "Ok fine, I'll give you some time but you will tell me what happened." He grabbed a cup of coffee and left.

It wasn't that I didn't trust him it was just that I didn't want to risk losing him. I didn't know how he was going to react when I told him that I had sex with a guy. The truth was I didn't even fully know what was going, all I knew was that me and my rival ended up sleeping together.

This wasn't suppose to happen( ShimaxRin)Where stories live. Discover now