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Rin's POV

I rushed off the stage with a smirk on my face, everyone liked it and I felt good about it especially since it seemed like Shima got that i was talking about him. I put the mic on a stand and my guitar in its case walking out the back door, I was wondrring what Shima was thinking of, I bet he was mad or even better confused. I quickly rushed up to our dorm, saying hi to everyone, to put up my guitar. I walked into the room and was quickly pushed against a wall, I was staring right into Shima's eyes, oh was he pissed. He had me pinned against the wall, his hand gripping my shirt, I smirked at him, staring him down. "Whats wrong Shima~ didn't like my performance?"

Shima didn't look amused, "You have constantly tried to humilate me, one up and all of a sudden you say im the one pushing you away!? What the fuck is wrong with you".

I got on my tipy toes and pushed back against him "Whats wrong with me!? with me??? Whats wrong with you? do you really not know why i started hating you? or why i was constantly trying to screw up your life? Until you figure it out don't come asking me whats wrong with me or why im doing what I am". I pushed him over and went onto my side of the room.

Shima walked out of the room angry and was muttering, I just put my guitar under my bed and walked out, I needed to cool off. After leaving the dorm I made sure no one was around before rushing down to my favorite spot in camp where i could clear my mind and think.

This wasn't suppose to happen( ShimaxRin)Where stories live. Discover now