Alone Together

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Shima's POV

We finally got to the dorm and we were equally flustered from what happened and I probably came off the wrong way by asking if he liked the kiss. It wasn't necessarily that I was into guys I just hadn't kissed anyone until him so I wanted to know if I was a good kisser or not. We akwardly walked into our room and sat in our own beds which were across from eachother. Trying to avoid eye contact I would occassionaly look up to see if he was looking at me, which he was. I sighed and walked over to his bed, sitting down next to it.

"I know we agreed to not talk about it and act like it didn't happen but i thik we should talk about. I mean what the hell was that, we are constantly argueing and then all of a sudden we are kissing." I bit my lip as I forced myself to look up at him.

He kept trying to look away, to avoid my eyes but he was struggling. "Look I don't know what your expecting but that was a mistake, neither one of us is into guys like that and we are rivals, not friends"

I glared at him a bit at what he said. "Yeah? Then why is it you van't even look at me hm?" I grapped him by his chin and made him look at me. "If it really was a mistake then why is it you can't look at me and you get flustered when you do? You obviously felt something, even if you claim that you didn't"

His cheeks got pink amd started getting warm but he pouted and shook his head. "I don't know what I felt but I know it wasn't me liking you because I dont. You annoy me with how you think you're so great just because you sing good and have so many friends"

I was shocked from what he was saying, did i really act like I was so great? I surely didn't think I was great. "I don't know what you mean, I don't act that way, hell if anyone acts that way it would be you."

"Me? You're the one who ....You know what it doesn't matter." He looked away again, this time not because he was flustered but more like sad.

"I what? Tell me why you hate me so much, what did I do that made you want to ruin my life." I needes to know what made him change so much.

"I don't hate you really not know why I decided to make you my rival?" he looked over at me hoping that I would know why.

I just shook my head, I had been asking myself that ever since he declared it.

He sighed and pulled his knees up to his chest, putting his head inbetween his knees. "It's because you ended up forgetting about me, we were always a duo and then your other friends came into the picture and you slowly started leaving me behind until you eventually stopped talking to me."

I looked down at the floor as i started thinking back and realizing that i truly had abadoned him when Bon and Shiemi came to the camp. I felt terrible that I hadn't realized this sooner. Everyhing he ever did or said to me suddenly made sense and I felt like I deserved it. I looked over at him "I want to say sorry but I feel like it's too late for that and that it wouldn't change anything. What I did to you was really terrible and you didn't deserve that because you were always by my side. I just couldn't take it anymore so I pulled him into a hug and he accepted it, hugging me back. We eventually let go of each other, staring at one another with tears dripping down our face. I wiped his tears away, letting my hand rest on his cheek and his hand on my hand. I kept my eyes on his as I slowly leaned forward until my lips were against his.

This wasn't suppose to happen( ShimaxRin)Where stories live. Discover now