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The song used here is nothig holding me back by Shawn Mendes

Shima's POV

I just couldn't believe the stupid stunt Rin pulled and the fact that he was trying to say it was my fault that we became rivals in the first place. I was so mad that I couldn't think straight, if I was a cartoon there would be steam coming out of my ears. I had forgotten where I was even heading at this point I was just walking around in the woods. I started looking around trying to figure where I was when I heard faint singing, I couldn't tell who it was but it was beautiful. I started joggin in the direction of the singing.

"pulls me in enough to keep me guessing
And maybe I should stop and start confessing
Confessing, yeah

Oh, I've been shaking
I love it when you go crazy
You take all my inhibitions
Baby, there's nothing holding me back
You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby, there's nothing holding me back
There's nothing holding me back
There's nothing holding me back"

I ended up in a clearing with Rin standing in the middle. Once Rin noticed that I was there he stopped singing and his face got red, I couldn't tell if he was mad or embarassed. I was just so shocked at how good he was singing that I had forgotten he was there and that I was mad at him. "I didn't know you could sing like that, that was.....amazing"

Rin just stood there, glaring at me "What are YOU doing here? Did you follow me?"

"No ofcourse not, I was just walking around and kinda got lost and then I heard singing so I had to see who it was". Now I was embarassed, I didn't like seeming like a stalker.

"Yeah sure you got 'lost', whatever dude just leave me alone" He stepped forwarded, reaching out to try and push me but ended up tripping on a root, stumbling into me and knocking us both down onto the ground.

We layed there, Rin ontop of my looking down into my eyes. We both blushed, confused and staring into each others eyes. I looked down to see how close our lips where, I gulped and looked back up into his eyes and before I knew it were kissing. We both closed our eyes and I had wrapped my arms around his waist, holding him close as we continued to kiss. I sucked on his bottom lip and he would gently bite mine and then I pushed my tongue into his mouth, playing with his. We eventually stopped and stared at each other, both of our faces red and hot and we both scrambled away from each other, confused as to what had just happened. Just like that, in a small instance our views of each other had changed.

This wasn't suppose to happen( ShimaxRin)Where stories live. Discover now