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Once it got dark outside i decided to walk out go for a small stroll before heading over to the Avanlanche(the club room). I pulled my hoodie over my head and shoved my hands into my pocket, I walked around the area where the bonfire would take place and where people would sing and welcome the newcomers. Talking about the newcomers they should be arriving soon, I wonder if they got everything readt for their arrival. I walked down to the main office to see if there was anyone there but it was empty, I couldn't find anyone not even my friends who I knew would be coming as well this year. I continued walking around when all of a sudden the Avalanche started blaring music and you could see a bunch of lights coming from the doors and windows, the party was starting. I walked over with a grin on my face, I was entering the building when someone put their hand on my shoulder. When I turned aroumd to see who it was a short blonde girl hugged me, confused at first I realized it was Shiemi and Bon was the one who put his hand on my shoulder. I immediately pulled both of them into a hug and smiled, I was so glad they where here "What took you guys so long? I was starting to get bored".

Sheimi smiled and giggled "My bus was a bit delayed, huge storm was rolling in but we made it out in time".

Bon just grinned and gave me the usual hand shake "I got here but was busy helping set things up, what took YOU so long".

I laughed and accepted his bro-shake "I wasn't too late, just over slepted a bit. When I woke up my mom was rushing me to get changed and into the car, I almost left without my suitcase".

We were suddenly rushed into the room and onto the stage, the new arricals had finally showed up and the party was about to start. We stood on the stage, hand in hand as the new arrivals started pouring in, music blaring and colorful lights flashing. Everyone who had already been here before started singing the traditional song that we sing for new people looking for a musical experience. once everyone was in and the doors closed we got out of the way and let the speaker step on stage to welcome them to music camp. Everyone seemed to be having such a good time but they hadn't seen anything just yet, the bonfire was, in my opinion, the best part. After the speaker greeted them he we went around and passed everyone a metal stick with a handle so they can roast marshmellows, they looked around confused and thats when they opened the doors. You could see the red/orange light from the fire and the wood burning smell in the air, everyone got up and rushed out and circled the fire, grabbing marshmellows and roasting them. Me and my friends sat at a log bench and watched everyone, talking about the time we had gotten there as new arrivals and how we were nervous as can get. The entire night was amazing, we all had fun and had eaten so many marshmellows, I said good night to my friends as I started walking back to my cabin, I still had no idea who I was sharing a room with. I went up he stairs and into the room I had gone in, all the other rooms had gotten occupied except mine. I looked outside too see if there was anyone left who still hadnt gotten a room when I saw Rin, there was no way he was the last one. I started shaking my head and was about to close the door when he pushed it open and walked in.

"Guess it's just you and me, all the other cabins are taken" He grinned with pleasure, knowing that us sharing a room would bother me.

"Why are you doing this? You know we can't stand each other" I said as he sat his stuff down on his bed.

"Because I am going to take every chance to bug you" he grinned as he turned to face me.

I shook my head and layed down on my bed "Whatever dude just don't disturb my sleep"

We both layed down, tired from so much fun, I doubted that either of us had any energy left to argue with eachother. Before I knew it I was out cold, I had fallen asleep on my side.

This wasn't suppose to happen( ShimaxRin)Where stories live. Discover now