"For God's sake, don't tell them we won it in a raffle." Sylvia quietly muttered to her father. "Be classy." Glancing up she noticed the antlers and groaned glaring at him. "Dad! Take those things off!"

"No, I shan't! It's Christmas." He protested going to bring out another suitcase. "Oi, I'll have that one, thank you." He stopped one of the footmen from taking the last suitcase out of the car. "It's got my liniment in it." 

He then started to move towards the house Donna and her mum strolling leisurely towards it. "I reckon we deserve this." Donna smiled up at the mansion. "It's been a hell of a year."

"Your dad would have loved this." She fondly smiled over the thought.

"Yeah." Donna nodded. "He would've." She smiled placing her arm around her mother, heading inside.


It was now Christmas day, Donna was beaming in the bathroom getting ready while her mother sat in bed with a dressing gown and box of chocolates on her lap on the dovay. Donna had ordered her grandad to open the door as breakfast for the day had arrived. The maid was bringing in a large cart filled with different foods. "Merry Christmas!" Wilfred beamed opening the door.

"Merry Christmas, sir!" The Spanish maid warmly smiled pushing the cart into the room.

"We have interrupted your programme to bring you breaking news. Read on the screen on the TV.

"Have you seen this?" Sylvia frowned eyes glued to the TV.

"Because I thought, nice early breakfast and then we'll go for a walk." Donna beamed continuing to brush her hair. "People always say at Christmas, "oh, we all went for a walk". I've always wanted to do that."

The maid set a tray down smiling before she noticed Donna in the bathroom and suddenly froze in fear as the woman happily continued to brush her hair looking in the mirror. "So, walk first, presents later, yeah?" She asked not noticing the look on the maids face.

"Donna, come and see." Her mother called her over urgency in her voice.

"Tienes algo en tu espalda." The maid quietly muttered to Donna sounding terrified.

"What?" Donna blinked not understanding a word the woman had just said.

"Donna, look at the telly." Her mother urged for her again.

"Tienes algo en tu espalda!" The maid cried out her eyes staring at the redheads back.

"What does that mean?" Donna frowned. "I don't know what you're saying."

"Donna, look at the TV!"

"Tienes algo en tu espalda!" Donna glanced at the mirror thinking something was behind her before she saw it. Seeing a black shape looking much like a giant bug on her back she heard the clicking sounding like pincers. Donna gasped at the sight as the maid ran from the room screaming. It was ignored by the commotion on the TV.

"For God's sake, Donna, don't just stand there!" Her mother snapped. "Come and look!"

Donna tried to turn looking into the mirror to try and see whatever the maid was staring at looking so terrified as she ignored her mother. Whatever was there seemed to have disappeared leaving the redhead confused.

"...It seems impossible, but this footage is live and genuine." The reporter announced through the TV as Donna glanced at her back through the mirror for the last time before heading into the bedroom looking at the TV. "The object is falling on Central London. Repeat: this is not a hoax. A replica of the Titanic has fallen out of the sky and it's heading for Buckingham Palace." The screen changed to show what looked like the Titanic falling through the sky towards the Earth, the view switched showing Buckingham Palace. "We're getting this footage from the Guinevere range of satellites."

The Destiny of Three [3] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now