Chapter 25

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I got up the next morning and put on my new suit. I put on my top first which is a long sleeve crop top with a open back for my wings, my new suit has fire designs like my old one. I put on my pants which are basically stretchy jeans. I put on my belt with the holsters for my swords. I sat down on the bed and put my combat boots on. I grabbed my swords off of the dresser.

I walked out of mine and Steve's room and to the landing pad where the quinnjet is. I put in my ear buds and clicked play on the song angel with a shotgun by the cab. I walked abord the quinnjet and almost everyone was there, but Clint, Tony, and Thor weren't there for some reason. I walked over to the seats and sat down. My mind went back to last night and the nightmare I had 'but what if it wasn't a nightmare and it was a vision dream' I thought to myself.

As my mind was off in another dimension, I hadn't noticed Clint, Tony, and Thor get on the quinnjet and the quinnjet take off. It wasn't until Clint started snapping his fingers in front of my face that I snapped back to reality "earth to Y/n" Clint says

"What did you say something?" I asked taking my ear buds out of my ears

"We're almost there and Caps going over the plans" Clint says

"Oh, sorry I was lost in thought" I say

As Steve explained what the plan was the quinnjet landed and the door opened. I was about to walk out when Steve grabbed my arm "Y/n are you alright, I saw you blankly stareing at the wall?" Steve asks

"I was just thinking that's all"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay then, let's get going" he says then walks out the door. I sigh and leave the quinnjet and Bruce there. Once I caught up with the others I was met by hydra agents. I grabbed my swords and pushed the buttons on them. After we took care of the agents there I flew up and Tony ordered a code green. The rest of the fight was a blur.

I was fighting some hydra agents when Steve asked for back up over the coms. I took down the agents and pressed the button on my com to speak "I'll be there in three" I say, then fly to the castle looking hydra base. Once I'm out side of the base a come across the girl in red from my weird dream "who are you?" I ask her. She doesn't say anything but her hands glow red and the next thing I know my memory's are playing through my mind what is she doing to me I think to myself.

When it all stopped she was gone. I looked around me searching for her but it was like she vanished "Y/n you there?" I heard Steve ask over the coms

"Yeah" I respond

"We're heading back to the tower, we got Strucker" Steve says

"Great, I'm going to fly ahead if that's alright"

"Knock your self out" Clint cuts in

"Really Clint" I say with a chuckle. I stretch out my wings and take off to the skys. i take my com out of my ear and put it in my pocket. I pull out my phone and ear buds and turn on my music. I some how made it back to the tower before the others. I walked to mine and Steve's room and I changed out of my suit and into my normal clothes.

I put on a hoodie and wrapped my wings around my torso. I put on some running shoes and walked out the door. I walked around New York for awhile and tried to figure out why that girl went through my memory's it's odd I feel like I've seen her before I think maybe it's just a coincidence. I walked into central park and stopped at a bench. I sat down and stared at the sky. It wasn't until I heard a dog crying at my feet. I looked at the dog, it had a collar odd I think ok alot of things are odd today. The dog looks like a Bernese Mountain Dog.

"Whats your name and where's your owners?" I ask myself out loud. I look at the dogs tags and there's a phone number. I turn off my music and dial the number "hello?" A man on the other end says

"Hello, I've found your dog in central park" I say

"I don't want that damned mutt, you can keep him" the man says quite aggressive and hangs up the phone. I sigh "looks like your coming with me" i pause for a moment to look for a name on the tag "mamoru". The dog starts waging his tail and jumping around. He jumps up on the bench and licks my face "stop" I say between laughter. Mamoru finally stops licking my face and gets down from the bench "well i hope the others don't mind dogs" I say "and I'll need to get you some stuff I guess". I get up and start walking to the nearest pet store and mamoru starts following me.

I make it to the pet store and get a leash, food and water bowls, dog food, and some toys so he won't chew on anyone's shoes. I pay for the stuff and walk out of the store with mamoru. Once I'm out of the store I dig though the bag and grab out the leash. I hook it on to his collar and start walking back to the tower.

Once I get back to the tower Steve is the first person I run into "hey Y/n when did you get a dog?" Steve asks, Steve bends down and pets Mamoru on the head.

"Actually I found him in central park and I called the number on his tag, but the owner doesn't want him back" i pause and set the bags down "so I decided to keep him if it's ok with everyone else of corse"

"Well I'm perfectly fine with it" Steve says.

So this chapter sucked and I'm so so so sorry for not updating this book sooner I didn't get this chapter done until now and I am swamped with school work I want to die even though I am homeschooled I still get a crap ton of school work so please kill me now (joking) i hope you all have a wonderful day or night ~ Amber out 😘😎

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