Chapter 15

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I woke up strapped to a wooden chair, 'how long have I been out' I think to myself, I look around me and I see a metal door. "I see you are awake now, solar flare or should I say (y/n) Coulson" I hear a voice that I knew all to well, Strucker, the man who kidnapped me from my home when I was 6, the man who killed my family, the man who plagued my dreams when I was younger, the man i wanted to kill, "where the hell are you!" I demand at all of the walls trying find that monster, I struggle at the ropes but when I try to move my right arm a sharp pain shoots though my arm, I wince at the pain and stop trying to move my arm.

Then the door opens and in walks Strucker and the man with the metal arm but this time he had no mask and glasses and I was able to see his face more clearly, my eyes widened with shock at who was standing right in front of me, James Bucanan Barnes, the only reason I recognized him was because I went to the museum alot when I was younger, heck I even had a job there before I joined SHIELD. I started shaking and I really wanted it to stop "tell me every detail about the avengers" Strucker says

"Go. To. Hell." I retort, then Strucker raised his hand and slapped me across my face, I could feel my face stinging "take her away" he says then two of his agents walk through the door and untie me from the chair then lock these bracelet like things on my wrists keeping me from using my powers, they then tie my hands behind my back and I wince at the movement, they then drag me out of the room and into another room but this one was different, VERY different it looked like a lab, it had a metal table attached to the wall with restraints on it and my mind instantly go's into panic mode, I start struggling as best I can to get away, but my arm prevents me from doing so, they then put me down on the table and one agent has to hold me down while the other straps me down, i start hyperventilating, but I keep a poker face and try not to make a sound.

*Steve's pov and small time skip*

I had gotten a call from Romanoff telling me to meet her at (y/n)'s apartment, i had asked her why but she just said it was urgent and hung up the phone. I got on my motorcycle and drove to (y/n)'s apartment. Once I got there is was shocked at the seen in front of me, the door to her place had been completely busted off the hinges and SHIELD agents where everywhere. I found Natasha in the mix of everything "what happened, where's (y/n)?!" I ask concerned about (y/n), then I see a agent wheeling out a gurney with a body bag on it "that's (y/n)'s neighbor, agent Daniel Williams one of SHIELD'S best agents, about a month ago some secret organization broke into (y/n)'s apartment lucky I was coming over that night, Fury assigned Williams to keep watch at her apartment" she paused for a moment then continued "they shot him in the head execution style, who ever we are dealing with knows what there doing"


Two chapters in one day whaaaaaaaaaaa. I finished the previous chapter and could not stop wrighting so I decided to post two chapters today, and if anyone can get the reference about the agents name you will become my best friend, so I hope you enjoy and have a absolutely lovely day and/or night ~weabo_amber out 😎😘

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