Chapter 23

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The song has nothing to do with this chapter I just wanted to put one of my many favorite Hamilton song on here 😎

I flew to SHIELD HQ where I know Fury will be, once I got there is landed on the roof of the place and there Fury was "I knew you would show up" Fury says

"Ok why do you want us to move into stark-"

"Avengers" Fury cuts me off

"Avengers tower" I say then roll me eyes annoyed, the reason I'm so upset about this is because I can't stand Tony. He annoys the hell out of me.

"After you getting kidnapped from your apartment, i figured it would be safer for all of y'all if you all lived in the same place" Fury pauses " and it would also be more convenient if SHIELD where to call for help"

I sigh defeated, cause it's true with hydra after probably all of us, this was probably the safest option. "Very well then, but I have one request for stark not to pull any pranks on me regarding spiders" i say, Fury nods "I'll see what I can do" Fury says, he then walks back into the building. I take off once again and head back to the tower, that is now my home I guess.

I soon arrived back at tower and everyone is there stareing at me as I land on the balcony, I fold my wings up close to my back again and walk inside. "Okay yes I may have over reacted but I just had to make sure this wasn't one of Tony's dumb pranks" I pause for a moment taking a seat next to Steve "and surprisingly it's not"

"Oh, and by the way Tony you might want to let your friends know that (y/n) is not a angel of the Lord  ( I'm sorry I had to make a supernatural reference)" Nat tells Tony, i shudder from remembering all of the unspeakable things that where said "what, why?" Tony asks

"Oh gosh, I have heard things I want to forget, but cant" I say

Everyone laughs except for me. I was starting to get pretty tired so I decided to head back, I told everyone I was leaving and as I was walking to the elevator I heard foot steps behind me, i turned around and saw Steve sprinting after me.

"Do you need me to drive you back?" He asks

"No, I'll just fly back its fine" I say

"Are you sure?"

"As sure as my name is (y/n)"

"Okay, well I guess I'll see you later" he says then starts walking off, "See ya" I say and turn back around and push the down button on the elevator. Soon I hear a ding letting me know the elevator arrived, the doors open and I step in. The doors close and I push the button for the first floor and the elevator starts to move down. I hear a another ding and the doors open to reveal the lobby of the tower.

I walk out of the elevator and into the lobby and out of the front doors, I look to the left and to the right, there was no one on the streets and I was glad because that means I can walk instead of flying.

As I'm walking trough the dark I hear a scream and pleading crys of help coming from a alleyway across the road, I take off my shoes and run across the road towards the alley where I heard the scream, I look down the alley and see a man in all black holding a gun up to a woman, I wasn't going to just stand there and let her die.

I run out in front of man in black and grab his gun, the gun go's off and I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder, but I ignore it and pin the guy to the ground "can you call the cops?" I ask the woman, she nods her head and grabs her phone and calls 911. The man starts to struggle but I pin him down more, I hear sirens coming this way, then I see the lights and then I hear car doors slam.

Some cops run up to me and take the guy and put hand cuffs on him, as they where walking him to the cop cars I walk over to the lady "are you all right?" I ask her

"Yes, thanks to you" she paused for a moment "Im Ashley Madison" (if that's your name you can change it)

"Im (y/n) Coulson" I say, we shake hands and then a officer walks up to use asking for us to head to the station to give our statements on what happened, I sigh "let's get this over with" I mumble.

One of the officers take me to a cop car and tells me to get in so he can take me down to the station, I stare out the window of the car 'this wasn't how I planned the rest off my night would go' I think.

We soon arrive at the police station and the cop gets out and walks around the car and opens the door for me "thank you" I say, he nods his head in response. I walk into the station, once I'm inside the building I come face to face with my old friend "Erin?"

"Yes, (y/n)! long time no see, how have you been?" Erin asks

"Im good, how have you been?"

"I've been good, I saw you on the news" she says

"Oh really"

"Yeah and my daughter is a huge fan of yours, especially when I told her the story's of when we where in school"

"Oh wow, well I'm flattered" I pause "it was lovely seeing you again, but the cops out side said I needed to give a statement on what happened"

"Oh right, sorry follow me please" she says, and I do as she says.

After I was done giving my statement I was allowed to leave, I looked at the time on my phone 2 AM. "Im sorry we kept you here so long" Erin says

"No its fine, I'm just glad I was able to help that lady" I say

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but I don't remember you having wings in school what happened?" she asks

"It's a long story, we should catch up sometime" I say, Erin then looks like she just remembered something, she walks back over to her desk and grabs a piece of paper and scribbles something down. She walks back over to me and hands me the piece of paper "call me sometime so we can catch up" she says

"Will do" I say then give her a hug, "See ya" she says

"See you" I say and walk out the door, I unfold my wings and fly off back to Steve's apartment.

Hey all please let me know what y'all think of this extra long chapter in the comments, anyway hope you all have a wonderful day or night ~ Amber out 😎😍

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