chapter 4

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As I was lowering steve to the ground, I started to get sleepy Wich wasn't good "drop me now!" I heard steve say, I looked at him wide eyed trying to comprehend what he just said, "just do it now" Steve says, so I drop him. I look down to see loki about to shoot a elderly man but then Steve jumps in between the elderly man and the shot loki fired, loki looked confused and I took that as a chance to get a hit on him, so I flew down as fast as I could and kicked loki as hard as I could sending him flying, allowing all the people to escape.

I started breathing heavier than before, "you ok" Steve said, I nodded in response I'm guessing steve noticed my heavy breathing. I look over to where I kicked loki and I see him lying on the ground, I'm guessing I kicked him in the stomach because he was gasping for air, steve put hand cuffs on loki and took away his staff, then Nat appeared with the quinnjet and opened the back so we could get in.

Steve walked loki in to the quinnjet and sat him down "don't try anything funny" I say giving him my signature death glare, I decided to sit down and try not to fall asleep because I was tired, throwing and lighting things on fire was child's play, but flying was a different story if it's just me flying and I'm not carrying someone I can fly for awhile, but if I'm carrying someone it uses up to much of my energy depending on how heavy they are. And in this case steve was fricking heavier than he looks.

I had decided to listen to some music to keep me awake but after a bit I started to drift off, then all of a sudden I heard thunder and it startled me waking me up, which I was greatful because I didn't want to pass out on the quinnjet, I look over to loki and see he looked scared "afraid of a little lightning" Steve says looking at loki "no I'm afraid of what comes with it" loki says stareing at me then smirks, I get that uneasy feeling again something was off but what, as I thought that all of a sudden the back of the quinnjet opened and a man with shoulder length blond hair appeared and grabbed loki and took off, me and steve looked at each other and nodded, I jumped out of the quinnjet and mid air my wings appeared, steve jumped shortly after I did.

Luckily this time Steve's parachute worked so I didn't have to fly him down, I don't think I would be able to anyway.

Once I reached the ground I saw the blond haired man with loki "who are you" I asked the blond haired man

"I am thor of asgard" he said, his voice boomed.

"OK well I'm (y/n) Collison of earth, and well you see loki has stolen something from us and we need him to get it back" I say as calmly as I can so I don't anger him

"I am sorry miss Collison of earth but I cannot give my brother to you I must bring him home so he can pay for his crimes" thor says

"OK how about this after your brother tells us where he hid the item he stole from u-" I was cut of by Tony who had just shot thor in the body making him fly back "damn it tony!" I yell at Tony "I was trying to have a civil conversation without fighting"

Before Tony had a chance to reply thor came back and hit Tony with his hammer, then cap starts running up behind me and throws his shield at thor and it was a all-out battle, then Steve and Tony managed to knock thor back in to the forest they then went after him, I sighed and decided to fly after them which was a bad idea because I was just about out of energy.

Solar Flare ( a Captain America X reader) On Hold!Where stories live. Discover now