Chapter 17

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Wings. I. Have. Wings. I start slightly freaking out, what the heck, then I remembered when they brought me into that lab. Okay yes I have wings made of fire but these are different, these are like bird wings. I stretched out my newly acquired wings, I move the wing on my left around to look at it. I then pinch the wing to see if I could feel it and I did, before with my fire wings I couldn't feel them if I where to pinch them, but these oh I felt it when I pinched them. I take a deep breath to calm down 'Cause  I was freaking out, I look at the tray of mush and then at the camera hoping and praying that SHIELD had found the live stream of my cell.

*Steve's pov, gosh I type this to much😂*

I arrived at SHIELD HQ and a agent lead me to a conference room where Tony, Bruce, Clint, and Natasha where siting there waiting. I sit down on the far end of the table and maybe one minute later Fury walks in " as some of you know agent solar flare has been taken to a unknown location" Fury says trying to work some kind of screen, then a screen appeared in front of everyone and on the screen was footage of (y/n), but she had wings like angel wings, not her normal fire wings. "This is live footage, we've tried tracking the sorce of the video, but it's being pinged all over the world" Fury says, Tony then speaks up "if it's being pinged all over the world one of those locations will most likely be the right one. We just have to figure out wich one"

I continued to watch the live video, now (y/n) was trying to brake off the weird bracelet things on her wrists by hitting them on the wall. After a few moments she successfully gets them off "what is she trying to do?" I ask, then everyone looks back at the screens. We watch for a little bit then (y/n)'s hair turns into flames, like before during the battle with loki, then a bright light erupts from (y/n)'s chest. It was so bright I had to turn away from the screen, when the light died down I saw (y/n) laying on the floor out cold "I know what she's doing" Natasha says looking around the room at everyone "Fury have some agents scan for high amounts of radiation, where ever the highest level of radiation is that's where (y/n) is"

*(y/n)'s pov*

I had just finished my "food" if you can even call it that, I was siting on the floor, then I had a idea. If I can get these power damping bracelets off I can use my solar flare attack and if SHIELD is watching then they'll know to search for radiation, I get up and start banging my wrists on the wall hoping to bust off the bracelets and after about 7 hits on the wall they bust off. I smile to myself, then instantly replace the joy with anger. Anger is what triggers my solar flare attack, but it's not like Bruce, I have to get really and I mean REALLY pissed in order to use it and when I use my solar flare attack it puts off high amounts of radiation, wich SHIELD will be able to find.

Solar Flare ( a Captain America X reader) On Hold!Where stories live. Discover now