Chapter 13

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I sat there on my couch watching supernatural when I got a phone call, I didn't recognize the number but I figured it was Steve. "Yellow" I say as I pick up the call. The call ended pretty soon, but it ended with me having a date.

"Ok well, see you at 5pm"

"See you" I say then hang up the phone and smile to myself, "ok i need to plan my outfit" I say to myself then get up and run to my wardrobe and pull out all of my clothes and put them on my bed, I pulled up a chair and sat staring at the two outfits I picked out. Then I had a idea, I ran and grabbed my phone and took a picture of the two outfits then sent it to Natasha.

You: (picture of the outfits)

You: Nat, I need help I can't decide Wich one

Nat: definitely the frilly shoulder less one, but you NEVER get dressed up. Who are you going out with?

You: what, going out with- I'm not going out with anyone

Nat: yes you are, I'm coming over

I grown as Nat sends the last message, it's 12 in the afternoon and I still have some time until my date with Steve so I decided to watch some TV untill Natasha gets here. A little bit later I here a knock at my door, I get up to answer the door and as I'm opening the door I smell pizza, and see Nat standing there with a box of pizza "I brought pizza and I see you already have supernatural playing" Natasha says as she walks into my apartment and to the kitchen with the box of pizza "ok question one, who are you going on a date with?" Nat asks, I glance down at the floor and mumble "Steve" just barely adouble "sorry I didn't quite here you" Natasha says

"Im going on a date with Steve, ok" I slightly yell flustered


"What do you mean 'ok' "

"Just ok, but if he hurts you he won't live to see another day" Natasha says, as she grabs a piece of pizza out of the box, i look at her a little skeptical "your not going to try anything are you?" I ask, she shakes her head no "ok, but I need some serious help picking out my outfit because Steve's coming by to pick my up at 5" I say slightly panicked "ok we got alot to do and not much time" She says and walks over to my wardrobe

*4 hours later after a bunch of preparing*

"Wow" I say, then look at myself in the mirror "Nat you are amazing, thank you" I turn around and hug Nat "your welcome, now I better get going 'Cause your date is going to be here any moment" Nat says then walks toward the door, "thank you again Nat I don't know what I would do with out you"

"You would probably be freaking out right now not knowing what to wear then end up being late" Nat says

"You know me to well, Nat" I say then open the door for Natasha to walk out "call me after and tell me every detail, got it?" Nat says, as she walks out the front door "see ya" I say

"See ya" she replies then walks of down the hall, I close and lock my front door and sit down on my couch waiting for Steve to arrive. I soon hear a knock at the door and I get up and open the door and Steve is standing there with some (y/f/f)(your favorite flower) "i thought you might like these" Steve says handing me the flowers "thank you, these are my favorite actually" I say as a blush creeps up on my cheeks, I take the flowers and put them in a vise in my kitchen. I walk back over to the door "are you ready to go?" Steve asks "yep" I replie as I grab my bag and keys.

Solar Flare ( a Captain America X reader) On Hold!Where stories live. Discover now