"Couples do, Sunshine" He pulls back and gives me a cheeky smile.

I glare at him and he shakes his head. Before I know it, he grabs my hand and leads us back to our table where Marilyn and Matt are staring at me like I have 2 heads and Kali is bouncing happily in her seat.

"Oh my god! You two make such a cute couple!" She squeals.


"Thanks Kali" Anthony smiles while cutting me off.

Anthony helps me sit next to Marilyn and then squeezes between Eric and I. Anthony wraps his arm around me and Marilyn kicks me in my shin.

"Ow" I hiss at her and she nods towards Anthony with her "What the hell is this" look.

I mouth that I don't know to her and she nods.

"You're okay with this?" Tanner says with a look of disbelief- that earns him a glare from Anthony.

Eric swallows his food and nods. "Yeah. He's my best friend and he's the only guy I would actually trust with my sister"

Tanner snorts. "He slept with Quinn Bennett last week"

"Nah- I just said that I did so nobody would suspect anything" Anthony shrugs while stealing a few fries from my tray.

"And you believe that?" Tanner asks me and I nod quietly staring at my plate.

I really don't like when he talks to me and it seems that Anthony notices that because he pulls me closer to him. Though it doesn't make me feel better because I still have no effing idea why he's pulling this charade.

"Why do you have a problem with them dating?" Matt speaks up on the topic for the first time.

"I don't. I'm just looking out for Summer" Tanner says causing Anthony to snort.

"Yeah- you're really looking out for her" Anthony rolls his eyes.

"What is that supposed to me?" Tanner scoffs.

"Woah- cool down guys" Marilyn speaks up.

Before anyone has a chance to say anything the bell rings signaling us to go to 7th period. Anthony decided he would walk me to class but I didn't get the chance to ask him anything because I share this class with Kali and Eric so they walked with us.

"Bye beautiful" Anthony says and before I'm able to comprehend anything- Anthony fricking Walton kisses me. It isn't a full on make out session but it's not just a peck on the lips either.

Before I'm able to shove him away- he pulls away and waves a goodbye to my brother who was staring at us with a disgusted look and Kali who looks like she was about to combust from excitement.

The rest of the day went on like regular- except for the amount of people who were staring at me like I was Kim Kardashian. Apparently from what I have heard- everyone knows that Anthony and I are "dating." Since I am the captain of the football teams sister and my "best friend" is on the cheer squad- nobody is talking bad about me. But I did get a few jealous looks from some of the popular girls.

After school ended- Marilyn and I decided to go into the auditorium and practice for the audition coming up in the next few weeks while we wait for the boys to get done with football practice & Kali to get done with cheer practice. As you can tell, Eric & Matt have forced me to continue carpooling because they felt weird driving Kali & Marilyn around without me.

Soon it became 4:30 and we were all piling into Eric's SUV that he got for christmas last year after he got his license.

"Hey princess" Anthony pulls me into the seat next to him.

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