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It drips from my veins,
Clings onto my lungs,
Removing my ability to breathe.

Sucking in as much of life as I can,
the unnecessary emotion rips it from my grasp,
Causing uncontrollable shivers to erupt throughout my body,
All because of you.

Your presence,
As calming as it is frightening,
Gives me a reason to breathe,
But makes it more difficult than surviving needs to be. 

Imagining you're skin touching mine,
Stops the breath from moving out of my chest,
Imagining you rejecting my passion,
Stops my lungs from expanding with oxygen.

Breathing is hard.
Loving you is hard.
Yet for some reason, God ensured that I need to do both to live.

I can't live without breathing.
I can't live without you.

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