Start from the beginning

" Well, I don't know too. But I am coming home. Keep the first aid ready. I will nurse her myself. Don't bother her. She is stubborn and won't let you in. Where is Dad and grandad? "

" Actually they went to a friend's house saying that they would be late. "

" Good. Keep the things in the living. I will collect them. You can go home in 15 minutes. "

" Sir, Are you sure? "

" Sara... I know how to take care of Ahana. Bye. " Saying so I hung up.

I turned around to find that person still waiting for me.

" I don't think I have time for coffee. If only you can tell me what exactly happened." I said.

" Hmm.. I understand you. I am Roy. Actually I had a terrible fight with my wife and she left angrily in her car. She was upset because I forgot her first appointment with the doctor. She is 2 months pregnant. "

I nodded, listening carefully. Seriously, do wives get angry on such issues. Ahana wasn't upset once when I didn't attend a single session with her. Perhaps she wasn't expecting that from me.

Coz when there aren't Expectations there isn't any Pain.

" She was driving rashly when her car collided with your wife's and I think the air bag didn't function properly. But luckily your wife was very quick in action. Without anyone's help although she was pregnant she helped my wife. She found my number in her contacts and called me. "

" But someone said the reverse of what story you told me. That's why I panicked a bit. Anyway how's your wife.m and the baby. "

" They both are fine and I owe it to you. Thanks a lot. Actually my wife is only 2 months pregnant so she isn't showing yet. And there's a misunderstanding too, Coz it was already dark and there weren't many of people around.
Your wife left as soon as I arrived and hence I couldn't thank her. The staff recognised her as Ahana Raichand. Anyways who doesn't know the business tycoon. But trust me if it wasn't her I don't think they would have made it. She was also injured but she left without seeing the doctor. "

" Hmm.. Ahana always makes me proud. Actually we are expecting twins. " I said proudly.

" Please take care of yourself and your family. Congrats for being a father. Trust me it's the most happy feeling on the earth. I can say that Coz I have gone through it once. Never leave her alone. " I continued.
Like I did and now I regret it. But then I will make up to it. That's for sure.

" Yeah! You too. Thanks once again. You should leave now she must need you. Take care. "

I nodded.

" I give my wishes and I know your baby will be fit and fine. I hope to catch up with you soon. Thanks for telling me this. You don't know how much I love her. I will leave Coz she is waiting for me. "

We shook hands and parted. A huge smile was plastered on my face. I surely have a dare devil in my house. Being almost 5 months pregnant, Ahana is surely a Superwoman to save a person's life. I doubt if I would have ever been capable to do something like this. And that too when one is pregnant.

I jumped in my car and wiping my face, I drove straight to the house. I saw Ahana's Mercedes parked. It had a huge bump in the front end and the headlights were also broken. It had to be a bad accident. I sprinted quickly and opened the door. It was dark. I saw some light coming from upstairs. I closed the door and picked up the first aid kit that Sara had put on the table. I climb the stairs and I could heard Ahana's sniff. She was crying.

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